Chapter 4- Love Is A Ruthless Game

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"Oh." Taylor was relieved it wasn't her causing the problem, but she didn't want Karlie to feel down, especially as they'd been having such a great time up until now. "Do you wanna talk about it? We've got plenty of time." Karlie shrugged.

"It's just this girl I've been trying to get over for a while." This shocked Taylor slightly. She hadn't expected Karlie to come out with that. "Well, we weren't together all that long, but we're in the same industry, and have the same circle of friends, so I still see her all the time. We're friends and everything; it's just difficult to move on when I don't get any space." Taylor didn't know what to say, all she could do was nod along with what Karlie was saying.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to put a dampener on things." Karlie sighed. Taylor wanted so badly to reach across and comfort Karlie, but she had to concentrate on driving.

"You haven't, I'm glad you feel like you can talk to me. I always feel so guilty; you're always the one listening to me and giving me advice. I want to return the favour. You haven't replied to the text have you?"

"No not yet. Toni was just asking how the trip was going and that the squad was missing me." Karlie gave a weak smile as she spoke, as if it was hurting her to know that Toni was missing her. Maybe it gave her hope that feelings were still there on the other end. Taylor understood that hope all too well.

"Maybe you should leave it a little while before you reply," Taylor suggested. "Simply because it gives her the impression you're having so much fun that you're too busy to respond straight away."

"I am having lots of fun, Taylor. I promise." Karlie reached a hand across and rested it on the hand Taylor was using for the gearstick. The sudden contact made Taylor's body jolt slightly; she hadn't been expecting the sudden contact.

"I know you are." Taylor glanced at Karlie to give her a reassuring smile. Despite the reassurance, Karlie kept her hand on top of Taylor's for a while longer, until they had to stop at a gas station for a toilet break.

"I won't be long," Taylor hopped out of the car.

"Don't stress, we've got the rest of the day to get there," Karlie assured her.

Taylor walked quickly across the station to the toilets. She stood in front of the mirror for a while, just staring at her wide eyed reflection. The last twenty four hours had felt so abstract. Suddenly she'd gone from spending days on end alone in her bedroom, to driving across the country with Karlie Kloss? She hadn't seen this coming. And she didn't want it to end.

"You took your time," Karlie teased, when Taylor finally returned.

"Well you said it was fine, so I took full advantage of it," Taylor fired back, clipping her seatbelt in. "Besides, I needed to sort my face out, I looked like some kind of monster."

"Tay, don't be ridiculous. You always look like a princess." Karlie said sincerely, whilst staring into Taylor's eyes the whole time.

"Ha, yeah right," was all Taylor could stay. She tried to brush off the compliment casually, despite the fact her cheeks felt like they were on fire. How could this girl be so lovely?

They arrived at the forest park in good time; it was just after 4pm when they pulled up in the car park. The area was vastly covered in greenery, magnificent trees surrounded them, the sun glittering through the leaves. The only sound to be heard was the tweeting of birds, and the wind which softly whistled through the branches. "This is perfect," Taylor breathed.

"Come on, let's go and explore," Karlie spoke quietly, as if she would disturb the peace of the forest if she were to speak at a normal volume.

With Taylor's body guards not far behind them, the girls began their trek through the forest. Suddenly Karlie gasped. "What's wrong?" Taylor looked at her, alarmed. Had she seen some paparazzi?

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