Time Jump Season Two: Fire's Rule

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-Tell me one thing how being born from the the most women to ever live changed how i life in this city and at school. It's going to be a long..... day.-

-In school first hour class P.E.-

-As always fire and her friends Tai, Haiko and Reino sit around and listen to dubstep while others are playing in the gym.-

Fire: Thank god it's time for us to be done with school.

Tai: Pity i haven't dated all the guys i like here.

Haiko: Because you never talk to them.

Reino: .....Right.

Tai: I guess.

-Bell Rings-

Fire: Well i see yall at lunch.

Tai: Alright you better be there!

Fire: I will you know i love food.

-Fire leaves out the gym.-

-Over the P.A. System! Fire To The Main office!-

Fire: What Now?

-She walks into the main office.-

Fire: ! Dad.

Raja: I came to pick you up. Let's go.

Fire: ok...I guess.

-They leave the school and starts to fly into the air.-

Raja: I think its time you know somethings about your family.

Fire: And that is about what?

Raja: She Will Tell You More About it.

-They contine to fly intill they make it to their home.-

Time Jump Season Two: Fire's RuleWhere stories live. Discover now