" Connor, you scared me." I say.

I look up at him and stare into his beautiful blue eyes. " I'm so sorry Amber. I wasn't trying to." He says softly. I was to busy with everything that was going on last night to notice he has such a deep voice.

My eyes then go wide as I realize he has his arms around me.

' Which of course I don't mind.' I think. I know my wolf agrees on that.

But he standing here with his arms around me in the kitchen of my house. He doesn't want to be seen. What if someone sees him?

" Connor, I don't mind you being here, if fact I love you being here, but what are you doing here? I thought you didn't want anyone to see you? What if somebody does see you?" I say in a rush.

He gives me a small smile. " No need to worry. I was at you backyard today and I heard your father talking this morning, saying he was going to patrol the borders today with your brother, the third in command and your Alpha oh and a few others for protection, in search for rogues and from what your dad said escaped prisoners from Alpha Conan's pack. So your mother decided to tag along. They won't be back till late tonight around 9:00, and darling, I just couldn't get you out of my mind today. Your beautiful face was all I saw in my dreams and my thoughts and I just had to see you." He says.

I blushed when he called me darling.

' He called us darling!!! ' she was literally squealing it.

" Your blush is even cuter when I can see it properly." He says.

I smile. " Well I'm glad your here. I wanted to see you to. All during school I couldn't keep you off my mind. It was very distracting." I say.

He smiled and leans close, then whispers in my ear. " Good."

I sigh and roll my eyes, but I can't stop my smile from growing.

" Well now that your here. You can help me cook a meal for my family. Wait have you had anything to eat?" I ask. He shakes his head.

" Aww you poor thing, here I'll make you some food." I say.

His eyes light up at that and he grins. I make some scrambled eggs and put some salt and pepper on it, then warm up three pancakes from this morning along with some bacon, I then put it on a plate when it's done and set it in front of him along with a glass of water cause I know he needs it.

" I know it's breakfast food, but I knew you were hungry so that would have been the quickest to make." I say.

" No no, this is perfect. Thank you." He says as he starts eating. Then drinks the entire cup of water.

While he eats I start cooking for my family. I know it's a bit early, but I normally wrap it up on days like today and stick it in the microwave for them to warm up when they get back.

Half way through cooking I turn to see he's staring at me while I move around and cook.

" So Connor, can you answer some of my questions?" I ask.

He snaps out of his little trance and answers what I just asked. " Not here. When we meet in the forest later on tonight I will, I promise. I just don't want to risk anyone walking in or overhearing is while we're talking."

I nod in understanding. So instead
After I finish cooking, eat and put up the rest of the food. I sit on the couch with him and we start talking.

I tell him all about school, my best friend Tasha, my family, I even tell him about the party last night and the attack by the rogues, me arguing with my father, and why I went for s run, before I met him.

He growls when I mention the part where I got cut by the rogues claws.

He then takes my arm and kisses the part of my arm where the cut were from the rogues claws, as if they were still there and he could make the pain go away, even though it was fully healed. I smile at him.

" Your so sweet, you know that." I say.

" Only for you baby." He says looking at me as he releases my arm, but intertwines his fingers with mine , he then smiles.

Once it turned 8:00 I had him go ahead and leave even though I didn't want him to, so I can make sure he doesn't get caught by my family, or more importantly, my father.

He says bye and leaves the house after telling me that he looks forward to seeing me again soon.

Once I say bye and that I can't wait, we part ways and he takes off into the forest.

I then wait a bit until I hear the door unlock and my brother emerges from the hallway.

He says hi and goes straight for the food. My parents do the same thing.

Then once it's ten I say goodnight and head on upstairs for bed. In pretend to get easy for bed. I then lay there in bed until I know everyone's asleep and it's midnight.

I slowly creep out of bed, slip on my shoes and quietly make my way downstairs, still in my day clothes cause I never changed. I then carefully open the back door and slip out very carefully closing it behind me.

I smile as I realize this is it. I take off into the woods to find my mate and to finally get answers from him to the questions I've been dying to ask since I met him. This is going to be good.

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