Can Everyone Shut Up About The Rumours.

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Chapter 96: Can Everyone Shut Up About The Rumours.

"Can you shut up?" I demand more than ask.

"You're the one the rumours are about." Ethan says.

"At least I'm not keeping secrets." I comment.

"Can both of you shut up?" Matthew asks.

"Do you not like hearing our bickering?" Ethan smiles cheekily.

"No I don't. I've got a headache." Matthew answers lying his head on the table. We're currently sat in the library trying to share notes for English. Ethan whispers something in Matthew's ear and Matthew slowly nods his head.

"We're leaving, you can keep them. Just give me them back tomorrow." Ethan tells me as he grabs both his and Matthew's bags.

"Thanks. I'll sit here by myself." I answer as Ethan pulls Matthew up and they start walking away.

"Good, see you!" Ethan whisper calls across the room and like that they're gone. I put my headphones in and put Sam Smith's Writings On The Wall on.

We need to talk.

Is what the note that is slipped in front of me says a few minutes later. I lower the volume of the music slightly and stare at the note a second.

"What about?" I ask without looking up at him.

"We can't go on ignoring each other. Everyone thinks we're still dating," Leo answers. I take a deep breath in and let it out. I still don't make eye contact with him. I just continue writing my notes without answering him. "Al-"

"Leo leave me alone." I say.

"What?" Leo asks.

"Leave me alone." I repeat. I think I'm just a surprised at what I'm saying as Leo is.

"I don't understand. Just talk to me Alex." Leo pleads.

"You lied to me, you went behind my back and you expect me to talk to you like there's nothing wrong. No Leo, it doesn't work like that. I'll talk to you when I decide I want to talk to you not when everyone in the school decides to spread rumours. So no Leo we don't have to talk to each other and yes we can carry on ignoring each other until I decide." I answer.

"Alex-" Leo starts.

"Goodbye." I say very bluntly as I pack all my things away and storm out of the library.


"Where are the boys?" I ask.

"Coach held an emergency training session. There's a big football competition Friday after school until late Saturday afternoon at Jefferson." Cass explains. Then I realise that she's in her cheerleading uniform.

"Shouldn't you be down at practice then?" I ask pointing to her uniform.

"Yeah but do you really think that I need to practice for three hours straight on some chants and flips that I've been doing for four years?" Cass says.

"True." I answer.

"Why are you in running gear?" Cass asks pointing at the running shorts, shirt and sports bra I've got on.

"It's comfortable." I answer.

"So what are these rumours all about?" Cass asks. I groan and lie my head on the table.

"I don't want to talk about it." I tell her.

"Tough now come on. You're coming down to practice with me so we can talk. It's a bit chilly out so here you go." Cass says passing me Cole's letterman she'd been wearing moments earlier.

"Thanks." I answer as slip it on. We walk out the dining hall and make our way down to the fields.


"What's the point in me being here?" I ask Cass as I pass her a bottle of water.

"I've got it perfectly timed. Coach is going to ask you over in a minute seeing as you haven't been at practice in two weeks," Cass answers. "Now is Leo staring at us?"

"He's been staring at me since we came down here. It's getting weird." I say.

"Good." Cass smirks.

"What's good ab-" I start.

"Richards! Get over here now!" Coach Stephens shouts across the field.

"Have fun." Cass winks at me and goes back over to where the girls are practising cheers. I get off the floor and brush my leggings down before walking over to Coach Stephens.

"What's up Coach?" I ask. I know I've made the boys training session come to a stop because most of the boys are standing near us so they can listen in on our conversation.

"What's up? Oh just the fact that you haven't been to training in two weeks! I could cut you from the team for that!" Coach Stephens shouts at me.

"But-" I start.

"No excuses! There's a whole field here and the boys haven't got a lot left until the end of training so I'm sure you can find some space to do shuttle runs, can't you?!" Coach answers. I'm about to make an argument when I see the smirk playing on his face.

"Yes Coach Stephens." I say.

"You have two minutes and if I don't see you on that field you're cut, got it?" Coach asks.

"Yes Coach." I answer and bolt straight for Cass who is now sitting on the bleachers.

"Jacket and top," Cass says holding her hand out to me. "You're shoes are in that bag."

I basically throw Cole's letterman and my top at Cass. I quickly slip my trainers on and start to do them up.

"Why am I doing this?" I ask as I throw my hair into a ponytail.

"To make Leo realise how much of an idiot he is for screwing you around." Cass answers.

"I'm going to get tired and sweaty though." I tell her.

"Exactly now go otherwise in thirty seconds you can no longer come to parties." Cass says and like that I'm sprinting down the bleachers.

"Can I have two cones?" I ask Coach Stephens.

"They're there. You do know that I wasn't planning to cut you from the team?" Coach Stephens answers.

"No." I say.

"Who was I going to replace you with? No one comes close to your times now go. Miss Evans had to beg me to do this. If you don't make that boy even more annoyed than he already is I don't know what you're going to do." Coach Stephens tells me.

"Thanks Coach." I reply grabbing two blue cones and start walking away.

"You've got twenty seconds to start running Richards otherwise you're finished!" Coach Stephens shouts at me.

I'm back! Finally! Now I know a lot of you have been anticipating a new chapter, so here you go! In all honesty the reason why I haven't uploaded in ages is because I was really uninspired but I'm back now! What was your favourite part of the chapter? Do you love the friendship that Ethan and Alex have created? Aren't Matthew and Ethan relationship goals? Do they have a ship name? Do you think Alex is being way too harsh on Leo or does he deserve everything that he's getting? Don't you love Cass and Alex's friendship? Oh and can we talk about how freaking cool Coach Stephens is? If I had a P.E. teacher like that I'd be joining every club left, right and centre. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

Video is of Sam Smith's Writings On The Wall! Sam released this song this week for the up and coming new Bond film Spectre and I've been listening to it nonstop! Don't you just love it?

Teaser: I'm getting into the swing of things again so I'm not completely sure. Sorry :(

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