Chapter 2- I Will Have Her

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Eric's POV-

I am waiting for the day when I find my mate, the one person I am meant to be with for the rest of my life. No worries, the only thing that could go wrong is she rejects me. So, since the Moon Goddess told me I will only get one mate, that can not happen. I was about to eat my lunch when my girlfriend ran in crying.  She told me about what was happening and I got up and ran to the border. I didn't shift knowing that might give them the advantage. I was 20 feet away when the most intoxicating scent hit me like a ton of bricks and I picked up my speed. When I reached the border my wolf forced a growl out of me. 

"Don't scare our mate!" My wolf has no idea.

"I wasn't trying to! " I guess he had good intentions. 

When I took a good look at my mate I saw what was happening. My mate is a true WWW. I looked at Chloe 'cause I needed to end whatever we were. It seemed wrong to date Chloe when I knew I had a mate waiting for me, but Alpha Whyat, my dad, insisted that I date her until my mate shows up. He made it sound like it wasn't going to be complicated when I did find my mate. But I knew better, if Chloe didn't want to give me up she wouldn't. 

"Chloe We're over." Chloe just stared at me. Then I noticed that my mate had jumped into her truck and I chased after her. I could not let her get away. 

I was about to jump on the truck when it took a turn, about 10 miles from where I first saw her, I was positive hadn't been there before. I continued after her when I saw the compound she was living in. 

It. Was. Huge. Even bigger than my house and I am the next Alpha King. I sniffed the air and found that most of the people around are humans. There were a few wolves but I didn't pay much attention to that. I thought about going to the garage where I knew my mate was, but I decided against it and got the attention of one of the humans walking around. Don't get me wrong I wanted to go to my mate so badly, but if she was around people . . . it would get awkward. 

"Excuse me, mam?" That is the stupidest thing I have ever said. Mam . . . HA, Nope. 

"Yes. Can I help you?" This woman was probably on her way back to her room or house, or whatever they have here, because she was carrying an empty basket with a label that says 'HOME'.

"I am looking for someones room. Would you be able to point me in the right direction?" Stupid, stupid, stupid. She is going to start thinking you are a creep!

"Sure, and who are you looking for?" She started to pull out a gun. Why does everybody have a gun!? They could seriously injure someone! Oh. That is probably the point. They need to protect themselves when and if someone bad shows up. 

'Shoot, what is her name?' 'Her wolf's name is Sabrina.' Derek suddenly answered 'Thanks!'

Derek is my wolf and since he reads my thoughts, he knew what I was trying to do. 

"I was told to ask for Sabrina's room." I hoped she knows something that will help. 'Hold on, she is thinking.'  

"Sabri- Oh! Leeza . . . Umm . . . are you sure it wasn't Zena? Because Sargent Leeza doesn't sleep within the compound . . . " Lisa? Hmm . . . Doesn't sound right, maybe she said Liza? Nope, still not right . . . What kind of accent does this woman have? Also, what is up with the Sargent tag on her name?

"Yes. I'm sure where does she sleep?" The woman started to seem uncomfortable. 

"Only Zena, Ashley, and Sargent Leeza know that. Sorry." She quietly walked away. I turned around to find someone else with their arms folded over her chest with an annoyed look on her face. 

"Why do you want to know where Leeza sleeps?" This girl doesn't have a scent. Is she a true WWW? 

"I was told to drop this off in her room." I held up the necklace box I had put in my pocket for when I met my mate. 

"You didn't lie, but you didn't say the whole truth. Nice." 


"I know you are Leeza's mate. She sleeps in a house on the far edge of the compound. Come." 

"Umm . . . " 

"Hurry up. She will be headed there soon and I know that you want to get there before her." 

I walked off with her because I knew she was right. I only had one question. Why does my mate sleep so far away from the main building? 

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