"like gwandpa and gwandma?" question tobias again. she nodded her head.

"yes likes your grandparents"

"oh" he said understandingly, playing with his fingers.

"now go have lunch honey and have fun" she said urging the boy to go the table where his friends were staring at him in concern.

he grinned and nodded, running towards his group now feeling less worried.

he sat down and thanked tris when he saw that she had laid down his lunch next to hers. she blushed and nodded, leaning her head on his shoulder.

tobias happily wrapped his arm around her small waist and ate as he proudly held the younger girl.

"tobias otay? did you get in twouble?" zeke asked, feeling concern for his best friend.

tobias held a thumb up, "tobias is pwefect"


when school was over marcus -who had received a call from tobias's teacher- took his son to see an optometrist. tobias was nervous as the doctor made him do a bunch of weird things with weird machines that were honestly freaking him out.

finally an hour later he was prescribed a pair of glasses. it felt weird having to wear them but he could see things so much clearer now and he was glad for that. now he could participate in class and not get embarrass for not seeing.

on the other side of the city, tris was sitting on the living with books sprawled in front of her as she colored in a few pictures. Caleb was laying on the couch with a blanket covering him as he watched the avengers movie for the fifth time. that day.

suddenly he questioned, "sissy tris? why are you talking to that boy so much?"

she placed her purple crayon down and looked at her older brother in confusion, her brows knitted together.

"what bwother mean?"

"you know what bwother mean. the boy with bue eyes that kwisses your cheek everyday" caleb said, sitting up with his arms crossed. he could feel his older brother protectiveness coming out.

"oh! tobwias is fwiend. he is best fwiend" tris exclaimed giggling into her hands as she remembered how tobias and her played on the swings that morning at school.

"you like boy? or boy like you?" he questioned.

"what? no! no like boy and boy no like me! bwother crazy. I hungwy so bye" she said standing up with her red cheeks. tris grabbed her color book and waddled towards the kitchen.

"mommy, twis want crackers"

"but you just ate, sweetie"

"want cwackers" she pouted and gave her mommy puppy eyes. natalie picked the girl up and sat her on a stool, putting a bowl of crackers in front of her and shaking her head in disbelief.

their kids had them wrapped around their fingers.


the morning came sooner this tobias wanted it too because he was so nervous. what if tris didn't like him anymore because he had to wear glasses.

kid in love ft. divergent [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now