Chapter Five: WHAT!!!!

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~ Cynthia's POV ~

I woke up with the worst feeling ever!!

I reached for my phone and saw 40 text massages and 20 missed calls and guess who they are all from?  Yes you got it right!! Chris

Ugh I don't want to deal with his shit right now

I took off the battery out of my phone

And took a long cold shower

~ After The Shower ~

I dressed in my floral dress and nude flats

I decided to leave my hair natural today and put it on a high ponytail

I am not in the mood to put make up today so I would just go out natural

When I got downstairs I spotted my parents talking and when they saw me they stopped

I look at them confused and said

" what's going on? "

My mother was looking at me nervously and patted a seat next to her

" come here mija we need to talk to you"

I walked up to her and took a seat next to her

My father looked at me and said

" Mija we have some news to tell you "

I look at him confused and said

" okay tell me "

My mother looked at me and said

" our boss gave us a promotion "

I looked at then amazed and said

" really that's great!! " my dad looked at me and said

" it gets better... we are going to be moving out of the country "

I looked at him shocked and said

" WHAT!!!! "

My mother looked at my father and said

" I told you she would act like this"

I look at them and said

" where are we moving too "

My parents looked at each other and said " Bradford, England "

I didn't know what to say I just stood quiet

My dad looked at me and said

" what's wrong mija?"

I looked at him and said

" oh nothing daddy just thinking "

" about? " said my mother

I was thinking to myself should I tell them about Chris?  Or should I just keep it to myself

I told them " I'm just thinking about how it  would be like in Bradford "

My mother smiled and said

" ah mija it is a very beautiful place and I'm sure you would love it!!!"

I smiled at my mother and said

" okay mom "

I heat up myself some leftover pizza

And went back to the living room where my parents are at

" when are we leaving for Bradford?"

My dad looked at his phone and said

" Tuesday "

" so that's in two days?"

My mother looked at me and said

" you have to go pack up mija we are going to be living there for now on "

I looked at her shocked I can't believe that we are going to be living in Bradford

" what about my friends mom? " I asked her

" you would make some new ones mija don't worry "

* I sigh *

" but mom!!"

" no buts Cynthia go pack up your things"

* I sigh *

" okay mom "

I walked up to my room and start packing

~ finished packing ~

Okay so I packed all my stuff

Now tomorrow I'll start packing my clothes

I checked the time and it's 5:30 p.m.

I went down stairs to see everything all packed up

I saw my mom packing some stuff in the kitchen

" Mom what time are we leaving for Bradford? " I questioned her while drinking water

" 2:30 a.m. " looking at me

* spit the water out of my mouth "

" WHAT!! that early " I shouted

My mother laughed and said

" yes that early "

I walked up to her and said

" why that early? " I helped her pack some stuff

" because the time is different from here " she responded

" ohhhhh"

~ Finished packing stuff in the kitchen ~

Woo!! Finally we finished!!!

I went to my room to take a shower

~ after the shower ~

I dressed in my Batman Pajama shorts and my black tank top

Hopefully I have a great time in Bradford

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