Doorstep decisions

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{The view of a Prussian.}

A man with grey hair sits on a step outside of a decent looking house. His hands on his chin he sighs. This is Gilbert, Gilbert Beilschmidt. Grey hair, red eyes, and he's very very very ignorant. Very ignorant, way too ignorant. He represents Prussia, or as he likes to be known as, 'The Great Empire and Powerful Tectonic Knights.' Well right now the so called "great" Prussian Empire is sulking because he just got kicked out of his brother's house, for interrupting important "business." Whatever that meant.

It's not like he couldn't go and stay anywhere else, he could go to Austr- oh yeah, he isn't allowed there until he apologises and does a few "small" favours. Pft. He grins but it soon fades. Who else could he go bother?
Feliciano was already inside the house he was in, and he just got temporarily kicked out, by all means that meant until he found a way to sneak back in or to bribe his brother into doing so.

Ahhah! What about Spain? Oh wait... He was in the middle of something... well.. else. ((Hue.))
He could go and visit that small angry sheep again. He had been going over there recently just to annoy him when he was bored, harmless fun just happened there but when it had gotten too out of hand he was kicked out. Although that didn't stop him from going over there once in a while. Even though have being allies and enemies at one point long ago in forgotten years, that had really changed nothing between them.

And the things that had happened In the past had been chosen to be forgotten and abandoned, and it stayed that way.  He usually went over there when he himself had felt forgotten so it was nice to talk with someone, even if they didn't get along well together most of the time.

The guy had some pretty good tea as well. Although Gilbert himself will never admit it, he liked tea. Not more than beer though. Beer was awesome. No other drink would overcome it. But tea was nice once in a while, the only requirement was that it had to be with no sugar though, otherwise it would be too sweet for him.

He stood up smirking slightly and finally decided that he would go to Arthur's house.

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