Season 2 episode 14: The Stanchurian Candidate

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Wendy: You're memeing fast and none of them are good.


Soos and Mabel: I'm a dancing dude I got some fancy moves and a bad attitude!

Mabel: Ha! That's amazing!

Soos: Guys! Something wierd just happened, I'm really freaked out!


Stan: I believe in a lot of things. America. Freedom. Amerifreedom!

That guy that likes America a lot: Good, good, he's saying the right things!


Is that even how you spell memeing? Or is it meming? *looks it up* Ohhh it is memeing... okay.


Sorry I haven't been on in forever again guys! I feel really bad, so I'm going to (try to) make a Steven Universe fanfic for you guys! I just need you guys to tell me what you want it to be about because I want this to be special for all of you.



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