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You were on your way back to Fairy Tail. It had been 3 year since you left and a lot had happened during those years. The reason you had been away for 3 years? You probably wouldn't take on a mission that lasts this long and you hadn't left for training purposes either. But then what was the reason? Truth was: You had left the guild. You had left it with no intention of ever returning.
You couldn't really remember how things had ended up that way. Somehow you and Gray had started arguing over a matter so simple that you had long forgotten what it was. Things had gotten out of hand and soon enough you had slapped him in the face, turned around and gone away with the words "Don't even think I'll be back. And I know the rules so don't bother with that either".

At first, you had wandered around aimlessly but eventually you had arrived at Sabertooth and decided to stay there. The time you spent there was great and you felt welcome every time you entered the guild. You got along with the members and god only knew how much time you spent with Yukino, Sting or Rogue. At least one of them was always with you if you weren't on a mission. Even when you were on a mission one of them would occasionally accompany you.
Back when you were still a new member of the guild, you also got told off by Sting sometimes but as time went on he had less and less reason to do so. Having been a member of Fairy Tail it was only natural that you could accidentally destroy your surroundings while on a job so you had to get rid of that habit which took quite some time considering that holding back wasn't exactly one of your strong points.

Anyway, while you sure had lots of fun in Sabertooth, there were also days when you felt something was missing. There were days when you had to pretend to be fine just to not worry anyone. Days when all you wanted to do was to cry. Days when you felt alone to the point where it was unbearable. You had written more letters than you could count yet none of them had ever been sent. You had never even wanted to send them, you just wrote them because you didn't know where to vent all the feelings.

Without your friends in Sabertooth you probably wouldn't be on you way back to Fairy Tail. They knew the reason you had left your former guild. Yukino had started to tell you, you should clear your mind and sort your feelings a while ago but you didn't bother listening and kept telling her you were okay. At some point Sting and Rogue started trying to talk you into going back and at least saying a proper goodbye to the guild you had used to call your family. They kept telling you it was obvious that you held back a lot of bad feelings and that you missed your former comrades but you kept smiling and told them you were fine with how things were now. To be honest you hadn't realized just how obvious it really was until a few days ago.

It had been one of those days when your friends tried to get you to admit that you missed the people at Fairy Tail and as always you told them that you were perfectly fine with not seeing them anymore. What happened next surprised you though. "Fro doesn't think so" Frosch had said. You liked the Exceed but you knew it was rare for him to disagree with someone. From what you had experienced, Frosch usually didn't notice how you felt either so him disagreeing probably meant that it was a whole lot more obvious than you had thought. That made you think and you decided to at least listen to what Yukino, Sting and Rogue had to tell you. Lector also commented on some things but it was mostly those three who talked.
Somehow it ended with you getting ready to leave Sabertooth.

Meanwhile in Fairy Tail a certain black haired Ice-mage tried his best to ignore the blue haired girl that wanted him to go on a mission with her. How she hadn't given up on him was a mystery to nearly everyone.
"Give up on it for today okay Juvia?" Mirajane asked the Water-mage. "But Juvia wants to go on that mission with Gray-sama!" The white haired woman sighed. Juvia hadn't picked the best day to try and get Gray out on a mission. "I know but it's one of those days again so it would be better to try again tomorrow." Juvia had to admit she would have better chances at going on a mission with Gray when it wasn't one of those days so she reluctantly gave up. What they meant with 'one of those days'? For him, just as it had been for you, there were days when he wished you would be back at the guild. Days when he wasn't his usual self because he missed you and wished he could turn back time to stop you from leaving.
"Juvia still thinks Gray-sama should just give up on [YN]." How often had he been told that he should forget you? How often had they told him you wouldn't come back? Except for Juvia they all had given up on telling him. "She will come back." The same answer as always.

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