Sunshine and Stars

811 33 3

Dedicated to Mysterious_Writer

Ivory's POV :

"Are you sure we are going on the right way ?"

"Will you just let me figure it out for God's sake?" Darius had probably asked me this question for the 50th time and yet he had no trust on any word I spoke. Well, even I wasn't. But then this was meant to be an adventurous trip right? Not hit-on-the-road game!

"If this is your idea of having fun by getting lost on the road where you can't even spot a car for a pretty good mile then you should seriously get your head checked!"

He was still fumbling with the map from WalMart we bought three hours ago. I swear he looked so cute trying to figure the way out of this mess without even able to spot a gas-station. Yeah, he was really funny like that, he really had no sense of adventure or thrill of getting lost_ or even reading a map!

"Dairy! " I took his hand in mine, "You don't need to grumble, we'll figure it out just right you know!" with that I took that map in one hand ; rolled it up my side; crushed it with one of my hands and let it fly through the window.

"Are you seriously out of your mind Ivory? " His expression changed from the one of utter disbelief to the one of anger and hopelessness.

"How could you do that ?"

"Don't you behave as if it was doing anything good! We are on the road right from the sunrise and it's getting dark now. We just need to find a place we can spend the night at and then we could just ask someone the directions! "

"Yeah, yeah sure. Thanks a ton to your idea of having an adventurous road trip without a god damned cellphone. Do you even realize we are completely lost in an unknown land without any sorta help! "

I knew how right he was! Well, I meant on getting lost once in while ; hitting on the wrong roads and having confusions with roads just like I and Rose always ended up. But this was completely something I'd never imagined! There was this endless road with nothing but barren land surrounding us by both the sides.

We had headed from Las Vegas since sunrise, which believe me was pretty difficult considering the night we spent clubbing but Darius had made no efforts in changing his itinerary even a bit.

And here we were; probably not even out of Nevada when we had to travel to Washington D.C. and then Seattle by tomorrow evening. There was nothing working according to Dairy's plan, we had realized.

"I never meant on getting lost Dairy! " He shot up his eyes and looked at me with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Maybe a bit, but not this lost okay?" I sighed a little not knowing how to put up the next words I wanted to say. He would just explode and I hope he wouldn't ask for a divorce once we get back home_in case we do! It was worse than breaking a pregnancy news.

"Dairy, I guess we are running out of fuel! " I said, as if a kid was mumbling his math equation.

"Are you serious Aluminium? What are we gonna do now?"

He ran his hand through his hair and scratched the back of his neck in complete dilemma. Yeah, he sure looked too adorable for that.

" I swear I could just text Jesse and call for a private jet right now. " He uttered looking out of the window.

My back was hurting too much now considering that we were on the road since morning. Plus, the truck seats weren't obviously as comfortable as I imagined them to be!

Kudos to my idea of having a road trip on this gigantic truck and obviously without Dairy's three babies!

" I think I'll just park this truck and we can sleep over here."

" I had never been this helpless my entire life." He grumbled.

I knew Darius was quite irritated and tired given his first road trip in entire life. I wanted to give him a break from being the CEO of the company as well as his loyalty to his three phones.

I should be given a big applause for succeeding in that venture_like I always do. He could just vent out all his disappointments and frustrations on me now but he didn't even say a word pointing out my mistake and I love him so much for this. I just wish I could be a little more efficient.

"Aluminium! " He literally screamed, breaking me out of my reverie," Stops the truck right now. I've figured out something for our sleeping arrangements. "

"What??" I was astonished as to why he sounded so enthusiastic all of a sudden.

"We do have a backpack stuffed with some blankets and pillows." He grinned like a schoolgirl; his face radiant.

"Woahh! Why'd you not tell me this before. Oh my chicken fucking hamburger, this is so damn exciting!"

"Well, I wasn't ever planning to use it."

He still seemed quite unsure of this unplanned and amazingly wonderful crisis we were put up in.

"Baby, This is gonna be amazing, trust me!"

Oh that sounded hilarious_ Darius trusting me with anything today!

After half an hour of jumping up and down the truck, settling up the blankets and everything, shifting my food supplies to the front_ Gosh! I don't eat so much do I?

We both climbed on the back of truck shivering as there was no truck's heater anymore. I flung my arm around Darius and his arm under my head. I snuggled my head in the crook of his neck. He smelled Godly!

"Dairy! I'm still feeling too cold."

I mumbled.I felt some movement beside me as if Darius is trying to get up. I jerked my head a little back to see the commotion,

"You know this is the last time I'm giving you my jacket. Remember to carry yours." I could feel him chuckle.

This was the best lemonade we could ever make with lemons thrown at us.

Dairy's sleepy voice mumbled in my ears,

"Your billion star roof-top is way better than my 5- star hotels" he whispered in my ear."

"You always have a way out Dairy!! " I giggled in his chest.

"Yeah sure I'll always have to do with you around." He winked and kissed my forehead.

I could hear him smile and don't even know when I fell asleep under the starry sky, cuddling with my sunshine!


This one shot story is written by me with immense motivation and support by @shreya1318 . Cover credits to her.
Our first attempt at writing a short story. Hope you guys like it. Please do comment and vote. All the inputs will be appreciated.
Thanks a Lott!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2017 ⏰

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