Friends and sources

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#Rosalice POV#

The arrow hit the irritating fuzzy bastard square in his shoulder sending him flying into the brick wall, pinning him there.

"gotcha, sneaky little shit." I mumbled. I needed this information. It was so vital.

The annoying bastard growled and screeched all kinds of profanity at me. After a moment I got bored which rather rapidly changed to extremely pissed.

"Oh, do shut it." I said impatiently. The half-breed continued to scream wildly at me.

I pulled a colt 45 from my waist and fired a round into it's thigh.

A howl permiated the night sky, ringing its way down the alley.

"Shut up, or I'll shoot you again." I said toying with the clip.

The bastard finally quieted down, silently rumbling in it's chest.

"Are you calm enough to change back?" He stared at me. His bright yellow eyes searched mine. Finally he snorted and nudged the arrow that was lodged in his arm.

"If I take it out, will you answer my questions?" He stared at me again before sharply nodding, his muzzlpulling back in a smile to show me his sharp teeth. I grasped the arrow and pulled, hard. He began to whimper.

"This may hurt a little." I said before yanking it out.

He dropped to his knees, keening loudly. I watched as the hole in his shoulder slowly healed.

"Think you can turn back to human now?" I said twisting a ring on my finger. His bright round eyes looked at me before slowly narrowing and becoming almond shaped. The thick black hair that covered his body began to return back to it's original places on his body or fall out onto the floor. His hands and feet began to shrink and his claws became small pink chewed nails. His muzzle retreated into a strong jawline, gentle apple cheeks and a pair of soft, full pink lips that parted as he fell forward gasping and panting. I pulled a blanket out of my bag and opened it, turning my head away from him. I felt the blanket being snatched from my hand and I waited till he had wrapped himself in it before looking back.

"Well, Hey there, Rose. Nice to see you. And I love the presents(!) I needed MORE holes in my body(!)" He said, sarcasm coating each word.

"Sorry, Kris. But you know the rules: All Werewolves and Lycans must be retained immediately during the full moon for the Slayers and Innocents safety." I felt so awful. Kristofer is one of my best friends and a fantastic source for paranormal information. He was also a Lycan.

"Fuck the rules. Pull this bullet out will you. I can't heal." He stretched his thigh out towards me. I sighed and dug my fingers into the hole.

Kris howled at me, calling me a bitch and a heartless cow. I just kept digging till I found the bullet. I clipped my nails onto it and pulled as hard as I could. It came out quickly but I'm guessing it felt like a lifetime to Kris. He screamed at me, saying I shot him just to cause him pain. He can talk, he gouged a hole in my leg 3 weeks ago in the combat while armed class. I don't heal as quickly as him so I don't know what he's complaining about.

"Are you gonna stop crying like a baby? Or do I have to sit here and wait for you to man up?" I asked.

"Fuck you" He snapped

"You've tried." I grinned. His mouth twitched. " Come on! That was good!"

"Yeah, yeah," He waved a hand dismissing the matter. "Why'd you hunt me down? I could smell you following me."

"One: I heard you had some information on Draccy boy and two: If you could smell me, why'd you attack me?" I said placing my hands on my hips.

"One: yes I do have some info on him but I'm not gonna tell you out here where the whole world can hear, and two: Your scent was mingled up with a fangers. I thought you were someone else so my instincts kicked in." He rushed.

A fanger? I haven't been near one in 2 days. I was too busy hunting down Were's and Lycan's.

Was I being followed?

No. Not possible. I'd have picked up on it. The Slayers didn't train me to be careless. Especially when it comes to...

My phone started to play -Night after Night (Out of the shadows) by the Rasmus.-


"Shortarse! Where are you? Dad's going apeshit!" It was Ace.

"Why Hello my darling brother. I'm quite well thanks for asking. I was just looking for escaped Lycans and Weres before Kris attacked me thinking I was a fanger."

"Kristofer attacked you?!"

"He said my scent was mixed in with a vamps. His survival instincts kicked in and the wolf took over." I explained casually.

"Look, Just drag your backsides back to Carfax parlour. You need to get ready for the ceremony."

"What? Why? It's not meant to be for another 3 days!"

"Dad decided to move it forward a couple days. Don't ask why. Just go with it. Dad's already chewed Lucius' ear off for asking why." He sounded strange.

"Okay. Alright. We are on our way. Is Elita there?" I asked.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Tell her to meet me in my room. I'm gonna need help."

"Alright. Later Shortie."

"Later." I hung up the phone and looke at Kris. "You have decent hearing, so I don't need to repeat myself."

He raised an eyebrow and looked at me "I think your setting to high of goal for yourself this early in your slayers career."

"Shush. Tell me the information on Draccy on the way home. Let's go, Furball." I teased and started to run away.

"Hey! I'm not that hairy!" He shouted and began to chase after me.


??? POV

I watched as she ran down the street. Her thick black hair brushing against her perfect waist with each step she took. She turned to see if that useless mutt was still chasing her and I caught the bright vivid blue of her eyes. They were so bright, they could change even the darkest of hearts.

I watched as that shaggy haired mutt caught up to her, grabbin her by the waist and swung her round. A look of pure joy and excitement passed across her face.

Her facial expressions were so vivid. So intense.

I breathed in the air one last time, taking in her scent. It was sweet and absolutely mouthwatering.

She certainly was intresting.

She was the picture of Venus herself.

But her heart must stop beating.

One way or another.

Before it was too late.


A/N: Sooo first proper chapter.... what do you think? Is it good? I was at work when I wrote this. I was in the middle of cleaning some bone (I work with archaeologists) and I had a major brainwave so I whipped my iPod out and started to write it in my notes, I completed it in 2 hours.

Anyways, Who do you think the thing on the roof is???? Comment! Tell me!!

I also wanna know if you enjoyed it!! COMMENT!!!! VOTE!!!!

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(Song: Night after Night (Out of the Shadows) by The Rasmus)

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