Imagine for JandLImagines

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Harry's POV
Louis and I have been together for a little while and I havent been able to ask him out on a date yet since of our tour schedule. This is the last show of the U.S. tour before we have a week break and head back home. So I decided that while were on stage tonight I'm going to ask Louis out on a date.

~on stage~
We just finished the song 18 and Niall was getting his guitar and stuff on for the next song which is No Control. So while Niall was doing that I decided that this would be the best time to do it. "Hey! I have a question. Louis, will u go out on a date with me?" "Yes Harry I will." We both heard the crowd cheering and Louis started talking about the No Control campaign that the fans have been doing.

Louis' POV
I can't believe that Harry finally asked me on a date. And to do it on stage is even better. I started talking about the No Control campaign that the fans have done and we started into doing it. During the whole song, Harry and I were looking at eachother the whole time. I can't believe that I have a guy like Harry.

~After the Concert~
Harry and I walked off hand in hand off the stage together and heading towards the dressing room. "So where do u wanna go on our date? "I don't know, why don't u decide?" Right after I said that, Niall walks into the room "How about Nandos? My sister works there and she can get u guys a discount." "That sounds awesome Niall. Thx." "No prob."

~4 days later~
Harry's POV
We got back to London after spending an extra 3 days in Boston where we spent Niall's 22nd birthday. But tonight is mine and Louis' date. It was getting around 6pm and Louis showed up. "Hey babe. U ready to go?" "Yep." We get into my car and head down to Nandos. Niall's sister meets us at the door and brings us to our table. She takes our orders and Louis and I just sit and talk. When Niall's sister comes back out with our food we ate while still talking. She came back out with the bill and we saw a note that said "Already paid for your dinner. Don't have to worry about paying me back. -Love Nialler :)" Louis and I both laughed and we get up from the table. We head back to our flat and we both got ready for bed. We both got into bed and we snuggled up together and fell asleep with our arms around eachother. I sweat i'm lucky to have a boy like Louis. I love him so much.

Hey guys. This is my first attempt at this, so hopefully it's ok. JandLImagines asked for the first request. So I hope u like it ! Let me know if theres anything I can change.

Being Married to Niall Horan Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora