Chapter One: Death glares and spit balls! How nice..

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"Ouch! For the love of banana peels!" I screamed at the air. I limped over to my bed to check out my toe. 

"What are you doing?" My eyes snapped up to where a tall, black haired girl was standing. 

"What does it look like, I stubbed my toe. I think it's broken.Does it look bruised?" I asked my twin sister Emily. Were fraternal twins. Which mean we don't look alike. She's the prettier one of the two of us. But I guess she tries harder to look good. But as for me, I just throw on the first pair of clothing I see and I don't wear makeup. But when you look closer to Emily's face, it looks like a baby applied her makeup, and it seems like she squirted the whole bottle of foundation on her face and just smeared it around. Gross right?  

"No, it's not bruised," she said before flipping her glossy hair and walking away. She tries to hard to be perfect. 

Maybe putting on a little makeup wouldn't hurt? I looked at myself in the mirror and gasped. Oh my gosh when did that get there!? I stared at the red pimple, right smack in the middle of my forehead. Of all days to get a pimple, it's on the first day I need to impress my fake boyfriend! Did I mention it's the size of a flipping tomatoe? Inhale and exhale, Arianna. It will go away.  

I brushed through my knotted mess of bed-head and grabbed my book bag. I sat down on the stair railing and slid down. Just my luck I fell right on my boney, back side. 

"I'm driving today!" I called to Emily, who was putting more makeup on her face.  

"Ugh! Fine," she huffed before following me out the door. 

"Couldn't you atleast try to look good?" Emily asked while I sped down the road. 

"Not until you learn how to apply makeup," I hissed back and she dropped her mascara back into her purse, that she was just about to put on. 

"I do know how, for your information," she huffed. 

"Then why do you look like a melting barbie doll?" I chocked back my laugh. It's so fun when I leave her speechless.We pulled into the school parking lot and I spotted Jayden leaning up against his car. My heart fluttered and my cheeks instantly started to heat up. Why couldn't he feel the same way back? 

"There's my boyfriend," I told Emily, and her mouth became a big O. 

"W-what? You are kidding right?" she raised an eyebrow, expecting me to say I was joking. 

"No," I said simply before hopping out of the car. Leaving her speechless once again. I slowly walked over towards Jayden, and he smiled, his breathtaking one. My heart sped up. He looked like a male model. 

"Hey," he smiled again, this is going to be so hard to fake date him if he keeps on smiling like that, I wouldn't be able to stop myself from kissing his so kissable lips. 

"H-hi," I stuttered. 

"Are you ready to you know," he looked around and lowered his voice "be my fake girlfriend," I could feel his warm breath on my ear and I just forced out a shaky yes. I was so not ready.

"Put your arm around me," I demanded, maybe that sounded a little to harsh? Oh dang it! 

"Of course, your majesty," he rolled his eyes but chuckled. He did put his arm around me, and my skin burned from where he was touching me. Love sucks! 

"Sorry," I mumbled. 

"No, don't be," he is way to sweet. I bit my nails nervously while I got death stares from every girl that I passed. My two old best friends rushed up to me. Alexis and Dalia. 

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