Monkey D. Luffy

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(Credit goes to bmgoomes for making the picture)

Wealth. Fame. Power.

The Gang King Gold Roger had all this and more. His dying words sent thousands to the streets. "You want my treasure? You can have it. I left it all in one place. Now you just have to find it"

People swarmed to the Grand Land, a mysterious stretch of land circling across the world. Despite mountains protecting the land from the outside world, and the general unpleasantness of the lands, humans have managed to make large towns in the Grand Land. They successfully settled there, in these amazing lands that often defy the very nature of law itself. But the settlers have to constantly deal with rogue gangs who are on their search for the One Piece, ravaging and plunder as they go.

But this story doesn't start there. It starts outside of the mountain range in the the East Land, with a young boy.

Monkey D. Luffy

Luffy shoved his pinkie finger up his nose, his red baseball cap with a giant yellow "L" on the front rested at an angle on his head. He slouch back on the brown couch and kicked his sandaled feet up onto the table, staring disinterestedly at the man in front of him as his finger moved around in a distinct 'I'm picking my nose' motion.

The man looked down at his office desk and sighed, a hand coming up to rub his hair. Looks like his Tuesday afternoon appointment actually arrived this time. He forced a smile onto his face. "Welcome back Luffy. Still having those dreams?"

"Yep." Luffy flicked a booger against the wall. The man winced. He'll have to get his secretary to clean that again. Because he sure as heck wasn't about to go anywhere near that green mess. The man scooted his chair back to lean down and rifle through some drawers. He grabbed a file an inch thick full of papers and plopped it on the desk. He opened it, and the paper-ladened side made a distinct thumping sound as it hit the desk. The man winced once more.

"So what was it about this time?" he asked, grabbing a pen and another piece of paper. At least he was going to get an interesting story out of this. Another one to add to the already enormous file. Ten year old Luffy sat up, excitement rushing into his voice.

"This time I dreamed that I got caught in a whirlpool! I kept spinning and spinning and spinning! It was so cool! I go soooo dizzy!!"

The man scribbled it down. "Did you escape?"

"Of course!" Luffy jumped onto the couch, slightly bouncing on the cushions as he made energetic arm motions to go with the story. "I climbed into a barrel and lived! Then I met this weak kid named Coby and we beat up this ugly lady pirate and got in a boat and sailed away."

The man scratched his head, exasperated. "Luffy, you've had this same dream before how many times now?"

"Five." Luffy proudly held out four fingers. Then his face contorted and his hand dropped. "But it's not done." he grumbled, and slouched back down against the couch.

"What?" the man pushed up his glasses with the tip of his forefinger.

"The dream. It's not done. There is more after, but I can't remember. Something is blocking it." Luffy sighed. The man perked up, and scribbled more down. There was a block. Finally, something he could work with!

"Still not giving up on becoming a pirate?" he asked a couple moments later.

Luffy shook his head and scowled "Course not! It's my dream!"

The man mentally rolled his eyes. Where in the world did this little boy's admiration come from? Pirates were nowhere near here. They were a small group and only affected the people living by bodies of water. And there wasn't one of those in miles. The only bad things out there now were gangs. Usually small boys like Luffy wanted to join a gang, not a pirate crew.

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