He drank the last drops of his wine.

"I'm sure your imagining what your going to do to me later tonight: I said cockily as our eyes locked.

I felt the tension rising. The unsuspecting restaurant patrons continued to dine and socialize, blithely unaware of our game we were playing as we sat across the table from each other.

"Ain't nobody thinking about you" he said with a serious face.

My mouth dropped. He lean across the table laughing.

"I'm playing blood" He said in between his laughter kissing my cheek.

"That isn't funny" I turned trying to hide the fact that I was blushing.

I knew I would be unable to hold back much longer. I discreetly tucked my hair behind my ear.

"I see you blushing" He chuckled.

He took my hand and rubbed the back of it while doing funny faces. Once he began sticking his tongue out his mouth I couldn't hold my laughter.

"Omg you look ugly don't do that" I laughed.

"I'm not ugly blood" He spat.

I was helpless to do anything but laugh, biting down on my lower lip to try and contain my scandalous behavior.

"You look like a dying monkey" I said while he mugged me.

"I'm sorry. Your my cute ugly monkey" I cooed while pinching his cheek.

He swat my hand away "Ain't none kute about me blood"

I threw my hands up.

"You ready blood?" He asked while I nodded.

We got the check as he paid for it. We walked out the restaurant as G lend me to the beach.

"Oh look at you being all romantic" I cooed.

It was turning into the perfect getaway.

*Goofy POV*

"Go fish" Becca said.

We were all playing cards back at the villa while the others were out doing their thing.

"Man I'm done" Leya said defended while placing her cards on the table.

I laughed "Yeah I'm out too" I got up following Leya to the kitchen.

"Oh shit" She had her hand on her chest as she turned around.

"Stalker much" She laughed.

"Na" I smiled.

"Sup?" She nod.

"Chilling" I shrugged.

"That's good. I'm thinking bout a late night dip you down?" She asked.

"Hell yeaaa" I yelled.

She giggled "Hop your happy go lucky ass along down"

"Ohh weeee"

*Becca POV*

"Tee I said I was sorry" He still ignored me.

"Teeeeeeeeceeeeee48000000000" I whined.

He got off the couch walking away. I ran and jumped on his back.

The Island Girl Book 1 || YG400 [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now