Chapter 2

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Once my wound was cleaned I was taken to my chambers, there was a massive bath in the middle and my bed had the finest silk sheets on them, my room was decorated with the finest gold and bronze.

"Lucea we are being taken around the gladiator school now if you want to come" My father called through the door, so i did and there were huge gates around it that towered high and there were loads of boys training and I didn't see a single woman amongst them which surprised me a little.

Well it was the same for the army when we fought in battle I was the only girl once again so Achilles kept a close eye on me because of the way some of the men looked at me. It was the same here for me, my father pushed me behind him, but those three boys who admired us were training with wooden swords, my blonde haired one caught my eye once again.

"Iolaus, eyes back on your opponent unless you wanna take her on" His trainer said. I shrugged off my coat and then rolled my sleeves up. So he put the sword down and began to fight me but with out a warning I pulled my sword out twisting it around in my hand, he just paused and whined "that's not fair"

"Ohl grow up you're a gladiator in training, its not going to be fair" I told him cutting his arm with my sword before kicking him back in the chest, he landed on the floor so I threw my sword in between his legs he just shuffled back so it didn't hit him.

"You have anger issues lady!" He exclaimed.

"No I don't, I guess I am just a better fighter than you" I remarked retrieving my sword.

"Iolaus what did I tell you about being aware of your surroundings" His trainer hissed.

"Besides you just got your butt kicked by a girl" His friends teased, I offered him my hand but then as he grabbed it I let go again and he fell on his back, I did this twice and he still didn't learn.

"You should know by now, that pretty boys are never trusted easily" I told him smiling and then left with my father to carry on my tour. "I'll see you tonight at the banquet" I called back to Iolaus not even looking at him, but winking at him. We soon finished our tour and I was taken to my room where a soft blue green dress was laid on my bed, it looked beautiful but I wasn't a big fan of dresses, so I bathed from being in the sun, once bathed I was helped into my dress by my maids. I was then escorted to the banquet with my father.

Of course I saw Iolaus and his friends who only nodded to me and I nodded back, I just smiled at him as he still looked a little embarrassed that I defeated him, he was so embarrassed that he only glanced at me before returning his gaze to his plate in front of him just playing with the drab food in front of him.

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