Chapter Two

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It was about two am now. Auntie Lysie was definitely asleep. She worked really hard so it only made sense, being on night shift at the hospital all week must have really worn her out. But that wasn't the main concern; the stupid obese mutt was.

I was on my way home when I spotted the true meaning of disgrace strolling on the pathway. The car came to a violent halt causing the other vehicle behind me to hoot like mad. Not giving a damn, I kicked the door open and stormed up to the little brat.

"What the heck!!! Why are you out at this time?!"

The tiny ball that Blubber referred to as his head turned to face me. His eyes grew with shock then shut with annoyance. He muttered some curses under his breath, I didn't need to be Einstein to know that.

"Well, baby whale? Explain yourself," I demanded drowning out the crazy hooting car. I spun to face its driver. Instantly, the hooting stopped. That's right, jackass.

"What a waste of looks, your ugly character kills it all," he said all too confidently.

"Your toes are so lucky," I started smoothly.

He cocked his brow. "Why?"

"It will never get the chance to meet your face," I finished so sweetly before pinching his ear.

"Ow! Help, witch!! It's a witch!!!" I pinched his ear even harder as he yelled out to the whole neighborhood.

"You will think of me more than that when I'm done with you," I threatened as he fat fingers bashed against my stomach. "Fatso, you are hurting me with those stupid sausages of yours?"

He stopped wincing and shot me a deep death glare. "I hope you end up all alone and indescribably ugly!!"

I rolled my eyes. "Why you telling me your life story, Blubber?"

His face went red with frustration and he started to do that little jumpy thing he always did when he got heated up. He was too cute like that. Still ugly, but cute.

"Come on, BlubberButt," I said as I gestured to the car before grabbing a handful of his hair," Let's go home. Enough loitering around! You've got school tomorrow."

The most unbelievable thing occurred next: he bit me! He freaking bit me!!

"What the -OWWWWW!!!!" I cried for the whole world and the dead in its ground to hear. I shot daggers at the little runt.

Well infact I shot daggers at absolutely nothing. My eyes grew wide in disbelief. The demon disappeared!!

Desperate for murder, I frantically searched about. There was no bloody way he was going to get away from me alive and in good health that was a vow....

There he is!

The giant blob of fat bobbed into an ice cream shop.

Ice cream. Food. Fat cousin.

Why am I not surprised?

Determined, I ran after the crazy glob. If he chose to live he better have an assassination planned out in there because my round little friend was going to get it.

Infuriated by the possibly infectious bite, I kicked the glass door that led into the parlor. I stormed in at full speed yelling," BLUBBERBUTT, You better have a Rabies Shot or I'm going to make you wish you went to military school, instead!!?"

The next couple of seconds went down in complete silence as a group of six people stared at me, one of them being the victim who was panting in the corner. "Fatso," I hissed pointing in his direction before clicking my knuckles. "We need to have a little talk and I can't guarantee it won't get physical."

His Bubblegum Klutz [One Shot]: The Reject ParadeWhere stories live. Discover now