Chapter 1

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First day at secondary school. Isnt it abit weird starting school at 16? Well not according to my parents, Sarah and Kyle Wilson. Luckily its the first day for my whole class which is good, and my bestfriend Jess is with me. I put on my posh unifom which included a blazer which i had never worn in my life. Once i was in my uniform i put on some makeup and put my long, brown, wavy, hair up into a ponytail. I headed down the stairs of my huge house. My mum looked up at me with a bright smile.

'You look wonderful honey!' she smiled

'thanks' i shrugged and got some toast from the kitchen.

'you nervous?' she asked

'err, not really.' truth was i was really nervous. Only because i was half cross, half nought. I was treated like a cross because my parents were, but my skin colour wasnt quite black or white. We were called 'halfers' horrible name right? I was afraid people were going to think i'm weird for this. The world we crosses and noughts live in isnt fair at all. Noughts just arent treated like us.

Suddenly my phone bleeped and i looked down at the text from jess..

outside your house, ready to go to school?:) x

I quickly replied that i was coming and grabbed my bag heading out of the door quickly saying goodbye to mum.

'Hey Belle!' she greeted me with a hug.

'Hi! You okay?' i asked

'I guess! I'm abit nervous though, how about you?'

'err, same really..' i muttered, she instantly knew what i meant.

'Belle, no ones going to say anything about you. Just try and forget about that.'

I nodded, and then realized we were here. The school looked pretty big, and my stomach was filled with nerves. Girls and boys around my age were everywhere, and we were pretty much the odd ones out. We headed to our form room and eventually found it. There were a few girls and boys, mostly crosses but there were a few noughts, and one caught my eye. He had browny-red hair that swept across his face with hazel eyes. He looked just as nervous as i was. Suddenly he looked at me and we locked gazes for a few seconds before something snapped me out of it..

'Belle! Earth to belle?! lets go!' i looked at jess and blushed for no reason before following her to a seat. I tried to ignore the boy as mother had told me not to be attracted to noughts as they wont bring you a good future. I didn't agree but I thought It would be better to follow her rule rather than my own which brings trouble most of the time.

'so which one is it belle?' jess said

'w-what dya mean?' I laughed trying not to sound suspicious.

she just laughed. 'its obvious some guys caught your eye! Which one?'

't-that's not true'

'yes it is, now spill' she demanded

'I- um..'

'Hello, hello! My name is Mrs Jones. I am this years form tutor so you have me for the next year and if you don't like me that's tough!' the teacher winked and laughed. Thankyou for saving me from telling my bestfriend (whos a cross and has no interest in noughts) that I liked the look of one!



The halfer girl was beautiful. I had to talk to her. She turned away from me and didn't look back the whole lesson. I picked up my bag and left the classroom after her. I got shoved a few times by a few crosses. God I hope I don't have to live with that! I turned the corner and headed for my locked.. number 142.

Eventually I found it. I got out some more books and went to my next lesson. The rest of the day wasn't very exciting, the girl never looked at me, not once again. But how many times did I identify her beautiful face? A lot. I went home and couldn't stop thinking about her. Tomorrow I would talk to her. I would definitely. And I swear tomorrow has never taken so long to get here.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2013 ⏰

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