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As I stepped out of the dark cold van, I was hit with the hot blinding light of the sun. The sweet sugary smell of donuts wafted through the small market place. The loud chattering of the people surrounded me. The colourful fruits, t-shirts and candles, all look intriguing. I was overwhelmed with all the senses, as set up my little stall. I pulled out three candles from a cardboard box and placed them on display with the bright fresh vegetables, I was selling. My day pasted by quickly with many people coming and going, till I was sold out. I packed my van and decided to have a look at the other stalls. While I was wondering around, I saw a group of little kids running around being as loud as a bunch of monkeys.

All of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain in my leg and then collapsed to the ground. I looked around and realised I had been knocked over by the little kids playing tag. My ears still ringing, heart beating against my rib cage and the palms of my hands stinging from the impact of falling on the concrete. I finally stood up, where I felt slightly dizzy, a coppery taste to my mouth. I swallowed and my left cheeks had a small cut on the inside. I looked down at my shoes and my black skinny jeans were covered in patches of concrete dust.

I brushed off the dust with my hands and carefully walked up to a large red tent with band merchandise covering all three walls, I looked at multiple t-shirts until a black simple cut shirt with a blood red skull with little black gems caught my eye. I was so stunned by the beauty. The stall owner pulled it down and I grabbed the crumpled twenty dollar note from my pocket. The bald little owner took the money from my cold pale hand and wrapped the shirt in white tissue paper with the annoying crunchy noise that it makes and placed it in a small black bag. I was so happy my skin tingled with excitement, as he handed the bag to me.

I continued to walk past many other stalls, but nothing was exciting until I saw some fresh steaming bread with golden crust covered in seeds. I then... saw the stall owner and I almost drooled from just one look at him. He had perfect raven black hair and a batman t-shirt on, I finally found the strength in my legs to start slowing walking again. As I got closer, he looked at me with his crystal blue eyes. I stumbled and just caught myself in time before landing on the ground again, I heard a couple gasps but they returned to background chatter in my head. The guy just smirked, knowing he caused the stumbled, when he finally spoke his voice surprised me because it was so deep, the deepest I had ever heard. After talking to the mysterious guy for roughly half an hour, my heart was slowly falling in love with him. The butterflies in my stomach had disappeared and we went back to his house for the night because the market was loud, crowded and boring. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2015 ⏰

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A cute guy with breadWhere stories live. Discover now