Chapter 2

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Rythians eyes grew wide and tried to attack the madman, but only suceeded in burning his skin in the process, causing searing pain. He looked at his arms in something akin to shock,"Water based restraints..." He muttered angrily, glaring at the demon.

"Now down to business" Livid said as he began to prepare his 'tests'.

Picking up a scalpel, he flicked a switch on one of the many machienes on the tables and stands beside the enderborn.

Trapped inside Livid's head, Lalna could see exactly what the mad scientist was going to do,"Livid NO! Dont hurt him!"he cried, banging against the cage of his mind.

"Oh, for the love of Herobrine, Lalna, SHUT UP!" Livid roared, unaware that he need not speak aloud.

'Lalnas still there!?' Rythian exclaimed internally, 'and he's fighting back... Maybe I really was wrong about him...,' He thought with a knot of guilt swelling up inside his throat. 'All I've ever done is try to kill him, but all this time was it really Livid?'

Hours? Days? Moths? Years? Rythian had lost track of how long he had been kept prisoner and experimented on, if you could even call it that. The only thing that ever lifted his spirits was when Livid started yelling at Lalna.

'I must try and communicate to him!' Rythian thought. And although his powers were very weak from the constant water touching his skin, he mustered up all the power that remained in this last-ditch effort to escape the madness.

He shut his eyes to concentrate, his eyelids went bright purple as he used his magic. He focused on Lalnas soul, trapped inside Livid. His eyes began to glow as bright as the sun. They flung open and his head jolted up. He was inside Livid's mind with Lalna.

Lalna bolted around at the purple flash with a frightened expression on his face.

"Lalna! I- " Rythian said desperately before collapsing, " I don't have much time! You need to fight Livid! This isn't his body; its yours." This was using too much magic, and his internal organs and consciousness were shutting down in an attempt to keep the connection. Soon he would need to return to his body lest they shut down completely.

"Bu-but Rythian, I cant!" Lalna said, panicked, walking toward the mage.

"Aargh... You-you c-can fight him you are better than him! I'm so-" Rythian started to flicker in front of Lalna, his body fading momentarily before reappering in magenta sparks. He was still mouthing words but no sound came from the mage's lips.

"Rythian!" Lalna screamed reaching out to him, but it was too late. Rythian faded out of his mind.

Rythian returned to his body and was immediately made aware searing pain. He opened his eyes, which had closed upon his return, to see Livid standing in front of him, with an empty bucket of water in his hands.

"What were you doing? You filthy enderborn!" Livid howled in anger, and was that a hint of fear?

" I-I was- aargh!" Rythian gave a cry as the binding dug deeper into his skin, nearly at the bone. But never the less, he continued, "Mmf I was meditating" he paused trying to ignore the pain,"Were you scared I would free myself and kill you?" Rythian taunted with a smile, his purple scars glowing and seeming to move widely.

"Don't lie to me. I know what you were doing. DONT YOU THINK I COULD HEAR LALNA SPEAKING TO SOMEONE?! You insolent fool!" Livid shouted, reaching for the scalpel and cutting yet another line into Rythians blood stained arm.

"I think you drink too much coffee, Livid." Rythian taunted smugly, completely blocking out the pain with a new found confidence."Voices in your head, huh? Sounds like the beginning of insanity" Rythian said, grinning throgh the torment.

"Yeah livid I agree with him. I think your going insane" Lalna agreed, catching onto Rythians game.

"Shut up Lalna your not a part of this" Livid shouted, growing increasingly annoyed.

"Talking to yourself are you, Livid? I thought you killed Lalna? Or..." Rythian paused, smiling causing his purple scars to glow even brighter on his face,"is Lalna still trapped in there? Awww is Lalna annoying you?" He taunted with fake sympathy.

"Rythian, if you and Lalna dont shut up right now I'll-" Livid growled, pointing the bloody scalpel at the mages face.

"Or you'll what livid? My power is already gone what else can you do to me?" Rythian said with his devilish smile, the sharp object no longer phasing him.

"Yeah what else can you do us, Livid? I think your out of ideas," Lalna agreed again, looking through the mind of his captor.

"No, I am not Lalna! Now shut up!" Livid screamed with a slight twitch in his voice, realising he was begining to lose.

"Yes you are Livid" Lalna reminded him, tapping the 'wall'.

"Are you nervous Livid?" Rythian taunted with a 'shocked' expression, at the demons sudden shiftyness.

"THAT IS IT! Rythian you are going to die slowly and painfully" a forced, sick smile grew on his face.

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