"The tale of misguided Vampire Hunters" Part 1

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Clarke Pov

The club's speaker was blasting with some new summer hit that seemed to be purely about sex. Clarke looked around the dance floor that seemed to be filled to the brim with underdressed people dancing rather intimately. At least the place smelt of blood, she thought as her oldest friend Octavia passed her a drink.

Octavia had rung Clarke earlier that day asking if she was up for a night of blood hunting. She was Clarke's oldest friend being only three years younger than her 162 years of immortal life. Clarke had been the one to find Octavia newly turned and covered in fresh blood curled in a corner of an alleyway in 1856, only three years after her own awakening. Clarke had taken pity on the younger girl and had trained her in the vampiric arts of hunting and killing.

"So what's the plan for tonight Princess?" Octavia asked Clarke as she watches the horde of humans on the dance floor.

"I think I am going to feed and maybe afterwards get ice-cream, if would you would care to join me?" Clarke half joked

Just then a body moved from the crowd, a girl dressed in a tight black dress moved out of the crowd her brown hair tied back in intricate braids. Green eyes flashed up to meet blue and Clarke knowns who she was going to be feasting on tonight. Clarke smirks to the brunette and waves her hand in a come hither fashion. Casing her eyes back to Octavia, the younger vampire winked at her.

"I guess that's my queue to leave you here, have fun Princess." Octavia joked as she walked in the direction of the, dance floor most likely going to find a nice meal for the night.

Clarke turned her head back to the brunette as she sat beside her. The girl tipped her head to the side and smiled at Clarke.

Clarke smiled back, "Would you care to have a drink with me beautiful?"

The mysterious human girl smiled and rested a hand on top of the bar, "I think I would love that".

Lexa Pov

Lexa bit back a groan of disgust as the vampire across from her slipped her hand over Lexa's own. It was disgusting flirting with the demons of the damned, they tended to be very touchy feely and this one was no exception. The vampire in front of her was blonde with blue eyes that reminded her of the summer skies, and no doubt, had twin canines that were sharp enough to bite though flesh and bone. The woman smiled and there was no trace of fangs.

"So what would the lady like to drink?" the vampire purred, her finger tracing patterns over Lexa's hand. It took all that Lexa had to not vomit on her.

"I am Clarke by the way", the vampire, now known as Clarke, informed as she signalled the bartender over.

The bartender walked over to them and Lexa let out a small sigh of relief as the woman named Clarke removed her hand from Lexa's. Lexa reminded herself why she was doing this.

"Do this for Costia", she thought. Costia, the women that she had loved, she had been engaged to her and they had been happy till Lexa came home one afternoon to find the floor of their shared apartment covered in blood, lots of blood. They had never found the body, but the amount of blood on the floor and covering the walls that was Costia's, was proof that the love of her life was dead. There had been a note on the table that she found after the Costia's funeral that had read, "Oh dear, sorry for the mess, I didn't mean to spill all of my dinner on the floor and the walls, but she was a real treat, hugs and kisses! Nia"

Lexa felt the tears welling up in her eyes and reminded herself that monster like the one in front of her was the reason that Costia was dead.

"What would the lady like to drink tonight?" the bartender asked, breaking Lexa's train of thought of her dead fiancé.

Lexa turned her head to the vampire on her side and faked a seductive smile while taking the moment to grab Clarke's hand in her own.

"I was thinking maybe a shot of whiskey and then maybe you can come over to my place" she practically purred into the vampire's ear.

As she pulled away from Clarke, she spotted Lincoln watching her, and waiting for the signal from her. She smiled at him and then he was off, sticking to the plan that they had created earlier.

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