Chapter 4

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It's the end of the day yeah finally, I walk out of the building before getting into my car, and drove home. When I got in I heard someone in the kitchen, I went into the kitchen before I jumped on Brent's back.

"Did you miss me babe?" I asked him which made Brent smile.

 "Sure I did" he tells me as I hoped down off his back.

 "What you doing?" I ask him. 

"Dinner" he tells me.

"What we having?" I asked him. 

"Chicken wings, and chips" he tells me.

"Okay, well I am going to get out of these clothes so that I can put on something more comfortable" I say.

"Dinner will be ready in about 2 minutes" he tells me.

I smile, then went up the stairs to get changed into sweatpants along with one of Brent's tops since he's moved into my room, I don't even know how it happened but oh well, and I went downstairs where I sat at the table waiting for him to serve dinner but then I got up to poured us drinks of cola. I sat down before my phone went off, and it was Rico.

*Phone call*

Rico: "Hey little sis how are you?"

Me: "I am perfect."

Rico: "I know this is going to sound nuts, see if I move out will you be okay on your own with Brent?"

Me: "You are moving out why? If it's because of that thing that happened weeks ago, I forgive you"

Rico: "Come sis your getting older, I will still see you. I am 19 now I need my own place."

Me: "Okay, since you put it like that I will let you move out."

Rico: "Okay,  I will collect my stuff tomorrow."

Me: "Okay, bye."

Rico: "Bye."

I hung up, then put my phone in my pocket then looked at Brent who was already looking at me.

"What was that about?" Brent asked.

"Rico is moving out" I tell him, Brent nods.

 "Oh, did he say why?" He said then asked me.

"He wants his own place, he is 19" I say.

"Are you okay with just us living here?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I mean we have been for the last couple of days right" I say, Brent smiled at me then we started eating.

"This really good Brent" I commented.

"It wasn't that hard. I only had to put the oven on, and the deep firer for the chips" he tells me, and I laughed. 

"How was school?" Brent asked, I sighed.

"Oh it was fantastic. I really can't wait for tomorrow" I tell him sarcastically, and Brent laughed at me.

"Well did you like lunch?" He asks me with a smirk.

"Lunch was the highlight of the day for me anyway" I tell him which made Brent smile, and then handed me a full packet of gummy bears.

"Thanks" I say.

It's 9:45 at night so currently Brent, and I are lying in bed talking about random stuff.

"What do you see for your future?" Brent asked me.

"I am going to get a job, then hopefully get married have kids I want at least 2/3 kids. What about you?" I say, and asked.

"Well I have a job, I want to get married, and have kids" he tells me so I smiled at him, and then kissed his cheek. 

"Brent, I am going to sleep" I told him.

Brent nodded before he kissed my forehead, I cuddled into him then fell asleep. I woke up with my alarm going off so I went for a shower before I got dressed, and left a note for Brent.


"Brent I have to go to school again ugh, see you later bye love you xx"

I got in my car then drove to school, I got into the building then made my way to Math, I was sitting next to these two guys  Alec, and Conrad or what ever there names are. I was texting Brent to see if he's coming back at lunch, and he relied back. 

From Brent

"Yeah I will be there baby, don't worry also I love you xx"

To Brent
"Me worry never aha, and  love you too xx"

I'm now at English, seriously who made these classes need to rearrange them because first Math now English, and I swear I am going to kill someone, and lunch is next not that  I am complaining the since the bell goes in five, and I text Brent.

To Brent

"Babe can you bring me a Starbucks? Please xx"

From Brent
"Sure babe, Carmel latte xx"

To Brent
"Yeah, you know me so well xx"

From Brent
"Sure do, I can't believe you turn 18 soon wow xx"

To Brent
"Yeah, I know right xx"

From Brent
"Got you your latte, on my to the way to school xx"

To Brent
"Okay. Bye see ya soon, love you xx"

From Brent
"Love you too xx"

I was waiting in the common room for my latte, I see the door open then stood in front of me is Brent with my latte along with Rico, and some girl that I have never seen before.

"Hi, who's this?" I say to Rico. 

"Hey sis, this is Laura my girlfriend" he tells me.

"Hi nice to meet you Laura, I am that losers little sister also this idiots girlfriend" I say pointing at Brent.

"Well this idiot isn't giving you the latte,  I even got the guy to give you to extra pumps of Carmel" Brent tells me.

"What? I actually love you to the whole universe, and back" I tell him.

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