Lost one, found another

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Burning, my flesh it melts.
I can't feel my senses.
Destroy, burn it all.
Burn it all down
These were my only thoughts
When we parted
Rage consumed me
I was nothing
Still some fear me.. Some still run...
I said "No, MORE"
No more... Ever again.. No more pain..
I couldn't stand to talk to you, only because it tore me apart
I wanted to love you
I did..
But so far away were you..
It killed me, until another appeared.
Someone to keep me in check
I didn't even know her name, not for two years.
But she was everything
Everything I needed
Everything I must have
And I do have her
She makes the pain worth facing
A bit of sense
Has returned to me
I am no longer consumed by this rage!
Another has fought my demons and won!!!!
I am her protector now, no longer yours.
I went to you, for help..
You ignored me, this is your own fault.
Goodbye. I have another. She is my everything.
Everything you could not be.

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