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(a/n this is the second book in the series, if you would like to read the first story it's on my profile, I hope you enjoy!)

"Two weeks! Two whole weeks left of school and then Summer Vacation!" Will shouted from the top of the bleachers. Will hasn't stopped talking about Australia since Aubrey announced the trip. It had started to get annoying.

"Will shut up!" Matthew shouted at him, things between him and Charlotte were back to normal, actually they are very sweet together.  Charlotte eventually told her parents about the little person in her belly, they took it surprisingly well. If it was Aubrey her parents would skin her alive. Charlotte has given her child a nickname, it now goes by Belly Bean.

"Will, if you carry on constantly talking about going to Oz then we will go and leave you behind!" Matt shouted at Will again. Will just slumped down with his arms crossed sitting on the top bleacher.

"Guys it's end of lunch" Aubrey said standing up and skipping down the bleachers, back to the main school building. She had a great lesson of English next with her new best friend Will. Charlotte was Aubrey's best girl friend, even though the whole Thomas incident, which Aubrey still hadn't confronted Charlotte about yet. The only person she told was Will, but that's because he was at her time of weakness and he told her about the gay thing (twice). Will spends most evenings after school at Aubrey's house, they watch episodes of Friends and try to find dates for Will on Grindr.

"Wait for me Aubs!" Will called running after Aubrey, as she held the door open to the English Room for him.

2 weeks and 4 days. That's how long it was until Aubrey could see her boyfriend, it had been so long since they've actually seen each other face to face, they've Skyped but it's not the same for Aubrey. Thomas sends text messages and secretive indirects on Twitter a day before Aubrey which she loves waking up to.

The girls that Marcus and Dan made 'friends' with at the Gorge, also are coming to Australia with Aubrey and her friends. She couldn't really remember their names.

Aubrey checked her phone, there was a notification from Twitter.

"#Wewantaubreydead is now trending"

Was one of the notifications that popped up onto her phone. Aubrey continued to scroll through the hashtag to find thousands of similar tweets, she clicked on one of the profiles and it turned out to be a TDBS fan account. Aubrey picked up her phone and dialled Thomas, forgetting to even check the time over there.

Thomas: Heyy babygirl, you do know it's three in the morning over here, there better be a good reason that you've woken me up.

Aubrey: hey Tommy, I have to ask, can you check Twitter for me, because I've just seen the new trending hashtag and it involves me....

Thomas: okay, I'll check now, keep talking. How was school and your friends? Are they excited for summer vacation?

Aubrey: Umm... Will is super excited and constantly goes on about it, where as Matthew just wishes Will could shut up. School as usual was boring as shit. We have an English paper due for next week, but I'm working with Will so it's okay.

Thomas: Holy Shi.... How could people do this, how do they know about us?

Aubrey: I'm guessing you've seen the new trend then, I didn't want to believe it. I don't know how it got out?

Thomas: I do....

Aubrey: What, how did It get out??

Thomas: Yesterday the HQ photos and videos of the Gorge went live, you and I must be together in one of them.

Aubrey: but how would they know my name??

Thomas: I don't know Aubs, but I'm going to stop this, shall I admit or deny ??

Aubrey: Deny!! Then they will stop sending me indirect death threats!

Thomas: Okay, will do, don't think about it, it's just a meaning less trend. Okay? Love you...

Aubrey: Okay. Love you too... Night

Thomas: Goodnight babygirl.

And with that Aubrey hung up, she turned off her phone and slipped down between her bedsheets and cried herself to sleep.


Aubrey was awoken by Will, shaking her shoulders. Will kept shaking her shoulders even when he knew she was awake, he found it too funny.

"Aubrey, sorry to wake you but we need to start that paper." Will said climbing off the bed and standing back up. Aubrey slowly got out of her bed and stood in front of Will, his smile dropped when he saw Aubrey's facial expression.

"What's up Aubs? You know you can tell me anything." Will said wrapping his arms around Aubrey and pulling her into one of his special bear hugs.

"Umm.. Someone has started a hashtag called #Wewantaubreydead and it's trending, Thomas thinks people found out about us from HQ photos and videos from the Gorge." Aubrey said but her sounds were muffled by Will's body.

"Oh God, you poor thing, that stupid English paper can wait we need to go to get some ice cream!" Will said breaking apart from the hug and pulling me down the stairs. They both jumped into Aubrey's orange creep mobile, Will decided to drive.

"What can I get you?" The cashier asked from behind the ice cream case.

"Two large strawberry ice creams please." Will
said handing over $5.

The woman gave Will their ice creams and his change, they both went and sat down at their favourite table, right in front of the window.

They say there licking their ice creams and talking about everything but the Twitter thing.


Thank you for waiting a shit load of time for this chapter.

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