Dear Insanity

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~Next Morning~

"Oli, we're going to be late!" I call through the house. "Same to you Lilian!" I grab my purse, the two to-go coffee cups, and bottle of orange juice from the counter and rush to the front door as my best friend and son come running at me. I hand a cup to Lilian and the bottle to Oliver. We all rush into the car and speed to work. I work for a big record company and am in charge of the biggest studio in the place. Today we have a new client apparently. We're supposed to wait at the studio for them but at this rate they're going to be the one's waiting for us. We usually drop Oliver off first but he got sick last night so we didn't feel like making him go to school sick. So instead we're bringing him with us.

We pull up and park my car before rushing inside. We get into the entry hall to my recording studio and Lilian slides into her seat at the desk in the waiting room. Lilian's my assistant and if it wasn't for her I'd be a mess.

I grab Oli's hand as I walk down the little hall and open the door into the studio. "I'm sorry I'm late." I stop dead in my tracks. Standing right in front of me is Asking Alexandria... and Oliver's father. I crouch in front of Oli. "I need you to go sit with Aunt Lili. Mommy will come get you in a little."

"Okay!" With that he kisses my cheek and disappears back out the door. I straighten back up and turn to face Ben, Sam, Cameron, James, and Denis. Denis is staring at the place where Oli was just standing and Ben is staring at Denis.

"Oliver?" Denis whispers. He blinks and looks at me. "Was- was that my son?"

"Wait, what? You don't have any kids," James says genially confused.

"This is Abby," Ben says. Cameron, Sam, and James' eyes widen and stare at me.

"We were together seven years ago. I-I didn't know that we had a son until yesterday," Denis says.

"I have a kid. Not we. I've raised him alone. You only care about him because of the fact you're now a father. You technically don't count as his father. I'm the only parent he has and needs," I say storming over to the control panel. "I am not having this conversation right now. I've been awake for a total of 23 minutes and haven't even finished my first cup of coffee. Let's just get started."


Hey guys! Sorry this chapter's short. Enjoy!

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