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The torches lining the was hurting my eye so much that I used my hand to block the light and look down to the floor to relive them of the pain. Kai led me through the winding hallways of the  'Brotherhood of Assassins' to where Ashtar would meet us and, hopefully, explain a few things. Like how werewolves and vampires are real. I began to wonder about how many other creatures from terrible tales were out there.

Were there ghost? Devils? Angels? Mermaids? The list could go on forever. I was so lost in thought I didn't notice that we began walking up from the level floor until we stopped in front of a trap door. Kai let go of my hand and opened up the door, revealing a dark blue sky with pinpricks of light that represented stars. The strange thing was that I could see clear as day in this starry night.

I climbed out and onto the soft grass, a little gust of cold air moved my hair to the side. I stood up and looked at the sky, I don't think I've ever seen it this beautiful before, it's like I could see every single star that was in the sky. I heard shuffling next to me and saw Kai staring up in the same amazement I had.

"Whoa." He muttered. I nodded in return. Suddenly someone cleared their throat behind us, causing us to whip our heads around to the sound.

Ashtar was standing there smiling at Kai and I. He began to make his way to us slowly, casting a glance to the half moon hanging in the sky.

"Marvelous isn't it? We vampires have sight so sharp we can just about see every little detail there is, which makes clear nights like tonight rather breathtaking." He stated. He stood directly in front of us now.

"I know you have a lot of questions right now and I also have a few of my own too," he said, "and I'll try to answer as much of yours as possible before your thirst becomes to unbearable." The moment he mentioned it I noticed the slight dryness in my throat, which was getting rapidly dryer. I was extremely thirsty.

Ashtar and Kai both noticed my sudden discomfort with my thirst. Ashtar chuckled while Kai slid an arm around my waist which made me jump a little bit but relax, I liked his touch.

"Don't worry we will go for a hunt soon, but first let's ask and answer questions, shall we?" He asked. I nodded but my mind couldn't seem to wait until I quench my thirst.

"I think I'm going to ask the first question here," Ashtar declared, "what is your real name?" I stiffened when he asked. Do I use my tongue? When I did about twenty minutes ago with Kai he began acting strange. And if I use my fake name I gave to Xzavier and the King they might be able to track me down. Not that I would mind Xzavier found me.

'Wait, why'd we just think that?' A voice asked myself.

'Because we need him.' Another voice said.

'No! We have all we need with Kai!' Voice number one exclaimed. Voice number two sounded like it was snarling at voice number one. The two voices arguing in my head gave me a splitting headache. Both Ashtar and Kai noticed my sudden discomfort.

"Are you ok?" Kai asked. I nodded my head even though the voices seemed to be in a fist fight.

'We need Xzavier!' Voice two screamed.

'No we stay with Kai!' Voice one argued. I threw my hands up to my ears and doubled over. The throbbing in my head was unbearable now.

"SHUT UP!" I yelled. The voices came to a sudden stop and the throbbing quickly stopped. I drew in deep shaky breaths and felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Ashtar smiling down at me with what seemed like...pride?

"I see you already discovered your new tongue and special ability." He stated. I then realized that nothing was making a single sound, even the crickets weren't chirping. I looked to Kai to see him frozen with his eyes glazed over like before. I turned back to Ashtar.

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