Chapter Nine Part 10

Start from the beginning

Paige walked her to her room and settled her down, then kissed her goodnight before leaving the room.

As she closed the door she spotted Blake coming out of the kitchen with a mug. "Here, drink this." He ordered, steering her into the lounge.

"What is it?" She asked, her voice catching slightly. The thought of what could have happened sent another tremor shuddering through her.

"Hot tea. Wasn't easy finding where everything was, but I managed." He said giving her a smile which didn't reach his eyes.

Paige stared at him. His act of kindness was the last straw. "I can't do it Blake." She muttered hoarsely. "I can't do it anymore." She stated softly as pain darkened her eyes. "I can't keep it all together, because I so stupidly thought I could, Jessie nearly got hurt! Anything could have happened to her and it would have been my fault! I'm not helping her Blake, I'm helping no-one!" She declared as hot stinging tears streamed down her pale cheeks.

Blake placed the mug of steaming tea onto the coffee table. An inscrutable emotion flitted across his features, then vanished. "You were only doing what you thought was right Paige and no one can blame you for that." He reassured her gently.

She looked up at him, vulnerable and defenceless. "What if she'd fallen into the lake?"

Blake advanced towards her then halted, dropping his hands to his side. It looked as though he had been about to take her into his arms then thought better of it. "She didn't. She's fine, don't think about what might have happened, just be glad that she's safe and well."

"For once, I don't know what to do. How can I send her away to live with strangers? How can I abandon her?"

"You won't be abandoning her and after tonight, I don't think you have any choice." He stated ramming his hands into the pocket of his trousers.

Paige looked at him through the stream of tears. "You're right." She said swiping away the tears. "I know what I have to do." She said making up her mind.

Taking his hands out his pocket, Blake reached down and pulled out several tissues from the tissue holder which sat on the coffee table and held them out to her.

Paige blinked before taking them. He watched with a grim expression as she wiped away the tears. "Thank you." She murmured looking at him.

"I should get going." The words sounded as though they had been torn from him. "Will you be alright?"

She felt her heart sink when she heard he had to leave. She didn't want him to leave, she wanted him to take her into his arms and hold her and make all the pain go away. "Thank you for... for doing what you... you did for us tonight." She mumbled huskily.

"I did nothing Paige. Are you sure you're going to be alright?" He asked frowning.

She nodded, afraid if she opened her mouth to speak she would start begging him to stay.

"You don't have to come in tomorrow, sort things out here, come back when you're ready."

As soon as her gaze dropped to his mouth, she heard him say her name. "Paige." He ground out.

Her gaze shot to his questioningly. There was a hunted look in his eyes as he reached out and tenderly wiped away a tear from her cheek with his thumb, then dropped his hand to his side. "Just lock the damn door." He muttered gruffly then turned on his heels and strode out.

Guilt gnawed at Paige all night until she was forced to give up on sleep and sat up in bed. She opened her bedside draw and touched her mother's locket before putting it away to get dressed.

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