"You didn't Stiles everything is okay." Isaac said as he rubbed Stiles back soothing him.

Peter was grinning over his drink. "My dear nephew just needed to go and cool down before he took you apart piece by piece and then built you back up to be his." He chuckled as Stiles blushed. "You seem to push his buttons"

Scott nodded a little. "Yeah... I haven't seen Derek touch someone as much as he touches you."

Peter leans over and nods to the main dancefloor where down in the pit. He spoke clearly. "Don't worry about it boys. Tonight is Stiles Birthday. Go dance and have fun. You have been seen here with me and Derek. No one will touch you. Go have fun. I will watch you." Peter smirked leering a bit. "So make sure to tease me a little"

Scott and Isaac pull Stiles with them down the stairs into the pit. Where it is a dancefloor. Strobe lights and lazers and thrumming base vibrating the air around them as they walked onto the dancefloor.

Stiles was nervous. He didn't know how to dance sexy. He wasn't sexy. He was stiles. He was spastic and clumsy. Scott and Isaac noticed his tense body and they started dancing against him sandwhiching him between their bodies.

Stiles tensed more not knowing what to do. He blushed and he started to stutter. "I-I d-don't know how-"

"Just let us show you Stiles. Just feel the beat of the music and feel our bodies against you." Scott told him as he danced behind him.

Isaac gripped Stiles hips and started grinding against his front. He smiled and pressed close to Stiles. "Just relax Stiles. Just feel it."

Stiles was blushing and bitting his bottom lip as he was hard in his jeans as they danced against him. Scotts hands gripped his hips too and he felt his body start to move with them.

They were teaching him how to sway his hips and grind by litterally moving him and dancing against him.

He felt they were both half hard against him. He was fully hard. His breath panting out slightly as he felt Scott pull his shirt up and Isaac help take it off. He was now shirtless with them.

Their hot sweat slick bodies pressed against each other as they grind together move in sync. Stiles felt amazing. He felt his hands touching Isaac and Scott and he wasn't afraid or embarrassed. He felt them touching him too. His shoulders. His back. His chest. His hips.

They had moved so that Isaac was in the middle and Stiles was grinding against his ass as Scott was dancing and grinding against his front. Scott and Isaac were kissing. Stiles watched them and thought it was really hot.

He was about to pull away to give them privacy when he felt Scotts hand in his hair holding him in place. He let out a little whimper as the feel of fingers gripping his hair made him drip again.

They broke the kiss and looked to him as he bit his bottom lip. Then they are all facing each other as they dance in a little circle and smiling. Stiles still feels a bit self conscious about his flat stomach and undefined chest but when his friends are there smiling at him and touching him reasuring him, he can just let go.

They pull him between them again and they are smiling and grinding on him as he sways his hips and his body actually is kind of graceful like this. He groans as Scotts fingers graze his happy trail. Scott and Isaac chuckle a little at how sensitive he is.

Isaac brushes his fingers over Stiles nipple and Stiles hisses and bows his head to rest against Isaac's shoulder. "fuck... don't do that... youll make me jizz right here." Stiles was worked up.

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