Porn night !!!!

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XDDD sry bout the title but I thought why not bitch ;3


Blake's POV

Being chased by esra is tiring as fuck mostly when one of your people and lover is just watching

Lover ?? You sound like a dick head !!' He growled

But you cannot deny it child' I simply say back

..... Shut up ' he hisses probably feeding Slenderman

I silently chuckle to my self and take a seat next to Cece on the couch "and you didn't help because?" I ask raising my eye brow

..... My legs were ran over by green man .....??" She says in a questionable voice

I chuckle leaning completely back look at her from my side . She smiles small and look past me as we hear soft pitter patters on the window

"I guess you'll have to stay over again as its gonna rain??" She says cheekily

I pull her close giving her a hug feeling Slenderman purr in satisfaction

She's to kind ....she's keeping something from us ' he growls

No child she's always been likes this you've been just blind by slendermans blood lust to see her beauty ' I purr

Beauty that we cannot keep ....' He argues softly 'we'll have to tell her before it becomes to long .....and she'll probably hate us from keeping it from her for so long' he explains

I sigh feeling as Cece goes a little limp in my arms snoring softly as the rain takes a turn and starts to make louder pitter patters on her window

We'll keep her here forever until we tell her child once we do we'll let her drift away like everyone else did .... Once rain falls it leaves before sun set comes my child' I speak softly look out the window then seeing Ben and esra playing around in the rain and mud

B-but ...I don't want her to drift away!' He whimpers 'I'm jealous of the way she's happy without me' he mutters whining

Hush for now let us have our time then once the rain comes back ...we'll let her in the open ' I speak feeling as he and Slenderman disappear

I sigh deeply look down at Cece who laid on my chest and my arm around her keeping her warm . I roughly kiss her head but not as rough to wake her up

Hey Blake Cece you shoul-.....oh sorry " esra and Ben come laughing in but go silent as they find Cece sleeping

I rathe not go outside thank you " I mutter closing my eyes leaning my head back staring at the ceiling

Oh okay me and Ben are just gonna be in my room playing some games " she whispers and they quietly tip toe to her room

Oh and it's porn night as well so in about 3 hours wake Cece up will you thanks !" She quickly says running to the room dragging Ben

P-PORN NIGHT !!!" I yell only to be slapped by Cece


Esra's POV

I still don't understand your dream!" He groans falling back

I got confused my self but all I want to know is who was the person with that ...voice I know so much " I say looking out my window

....I need help then " he mutters

Who ??" I ask impatiently

Blake " he chuckles nervously as I pale a few minutes later

You mean serious dude ?? Mr looks-like-he-might-kill-me-just-by-staring-at-me dude??? " I shutter

Hold up .....wait for me ! (Slenderman romance)Where stories live. Discover now