Chapter 2: Adjustment (All, Ayato)

Start from the beginning

Their fangs... won't they hurt?

"V-very well," I bit my lip in shame as my voice shook. 

"Ah, Teddy," Kamato said, his eyes fixated upon the bear in his lap. "She is shaking. That is how mortals express fear, isn't it wonderful?"

"I don't want to fear you," I said quietly, punching the straw into the juice box. My lips closed around the little plastic straw and I began to suck on it gently.

"Here we are," Reiji muttered, his eyes fixated on the school's entrance. It felt strange to be attending school during the nighttime and I worried. What would the lack of sunlight do to my depression? "Miyako, you are in the same class as Ayato and Kanato. Do not try anything reckless, or you will receive a whipping. Understood?"

The threat sounded real, but I took it as a jibe. I didn't want to be afraid. Besides, school was a strong point of mine: busywork wasn't really so terrible. Especially compared to the situation I'd found myself in as of yesterday.



One by one the six of them shouldered their way out of the car and disappeared into the school's entrance. I continued at a much slower pace with the cranberry juice in one hand and my satchel over my opposite arm. 

I finished up the juice by the time I reached my first classroom; it was empty but for two people. In one corner, Kanato sat with Teddy facing him. As I watched, he laughed and giggled at the bear as if it had a voice. 

Maybe to him, it does.

 Ayato lay on his desk across the room, face down.   

The chalkboard was labelled Food Prep and was detailed with directions: class was supposed to meet in the kitchen on the first floor. 

"This is food prep, they're in the kitchen on the first floor," I called to the pair. 

Kanato glanced around at me with his wide violet eyes and shrugged, then turned back to teddy. 

"Food prep, eh?" Ayato asked curiously, raising his head. His hair rustled as if an invisible wind blew through it. "C'mon, Pancake let's get going."

"Kanato, you should come with us," I offered.

"I'm talking with Teddy, how rude of you to interrupt."

"I apologize, but does Teddy really want you to miss class?" I pried, trying to get the childish vampire to budge. 

"Don't assume anything about my  Teddy! You have no right!"

"That's why I simply asked," I said curtly. "Come or don't: it's up to you and Teddy." 

With that, I whisked out of the room and toward the first floor. 

"Come this way, Pancake," Ayato encouraged, grabbing my wrist and tugging me the opposite way down the hallway.

"I'm not skipping class on the first day, Ayato," I argued, attempting to pull away or at least drag him with me. 

I'll do anything to get a break from these vampires, even if it is school.

"Don't defy me!"

Irritation bubbled up in my chest. It was a familiar emotion. Whenever father had bested me in a fight, it was what grew in me. Whenever that emotion popped up, I knew I would loose the fight, but I'd always give him hell before I did.

"You may classify me as your prey, but I refuse to be treated as such," I snarled, my lips peeling back from my teeth as I rounded on him. "You may have my blood by being kind."

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