Lady Gaga- 'Til It Happens To You

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This song is about all the things that do happen in college, the worse possible. And so, lets' take a moment with the video first.

Not even in the first minute of the video, we watch three different girls, in three different places. The first one is working on music, the second is a girl who wants to be a boy, and third is actually two girls in a club, but they have the same situation.

And then they get raped. The music girl has that guy pressing himself against her, and the second is where the guy and butt rapes the girl, and third, the two girls get drugged.

And obviously they put up a fight, well the three do... One is passed over with her pants down.. which that is a true friend right there, in the third.

So, in the first two, almost three minutes, we see these girls get rapped. And then girls are physically damaged. One even leaves college because of it.

Now, Lady Gaga singing this song and this video is made for the song, I was impressed. A little grossed out, but it sorta hits reality, and it shows that these terrible things have happened, these girls feel like shit, and then their friends come and cheer them up and comforts them, and listens to them.

And I'm not sure who that figure is that keeps being alone... I don't think that matters.

Going with the lyrics, its saying no one knows anything, and won't believe it's happening unless it's happened to them, and they just expect you to have your head held high, and they just want you to act like everything's okay when it's not, and that's a great way to explain our society today.

My general, overall, opinion is that, even though this is a very.. vivid and disturbing song, it actually, like I've said before, hits reality.

And it shows what we need to watch out for when the real world hits, and for Gaga to even do this... I priase her, and it's a wonderful meaningful song.

Yes, I am a guy, and I care about music and... Fuck it.. I'm not explaining myself.

That's it for this one.... Really recommend you to watch and listen to the video, and that's it


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