O1. first day of school.

Start from the beginning

tris ate messily, her hands full of syrup. caleb grimaced and concentrated on his drawing while he chewed his food like the big boy he was.

"mommy no more" tris told her as she pushed her plate away. andrew picked up the left overs and kissed his wife on his way to the trash.

"I'm gonna clean them up and then we'll take them to school" natalie told her husband before picking up their kids. 

she took tris and caleb to the bathroom, washing their hands and brushing their white teeth. tris was missing two of them (upper ones, in the front) and everyone thought she looked adorable.

"wes go!" the little girl exclaimed happily as she took her matching sailor moon lunch box and grabbed her brother's hand.

he sighed heavily but followed his sister, grabbing his transformers backpack on his way to the door.

the older couple followed their children and buckled them up when they reached the car. ten minutes later the car was pulling up in front of the elementary.

kids were running around outside, their parents following them inside to lead them to their classroom.

there was a group of teachers outside who were in charge of the preschoolers.

Natalie unbuckled tris while andrew took care of his son.

"alright, you know what to do" natalie said. her husband nodded as he kissed his daughter goodbye, their mommy doing the same to caleb.

natalie then walked up to one of the teachers and placed the little girl down so she could go and stand on the line.


she turned around when she heard the sound of her best friend's voice. she saw christina running towards her as she held onto her book bag and little lunch box.

"cwis" she cried happily as they embraced each other. they quickly pulled back and began showing each other their backpacks.

"wook! mommy and daddy buy me swaio moon stuff" she said smiling widely.

"cool! i buy minion"

tris giggled into her hand and cooed at the cute sight of the weird looking yellow guys, "cutie, vewy cutie"  

"twis! cwistina!" two high pitched girly voices yelled. they turned and began jumping up and down as they saw their other two friends running towards them.

"mawene! shaun" the two best friends said.

"i found twee boys and are cute!" marlene told them, being the older one the group. she was four just like shauna (though was older by 2 months), christina was three and was older than tris by almost seven months.

tris was the little one out of all of them and she didn't know how she felt about that.

"cousin is friends with them" shauna added, pointing at three boys on the last line. they looked up and saw three cute looking little boys.

two of them look similar and made tris wonder if they were duplicated in dexter's laboratory. the taller boy was the one that caught her eyes though.

kid in love ft. divergent [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now