Chapter Four Part 5

Start from the beginning

He did have a point she admitted to herself, reluctantly. "Can't we just have something at home... I mean at your house... or just pick something up on the way back?"

He gave her a brief sideways glance. "Nope. I never hide from anything. Whatever the issue, face it, head on. We've done nothing wrong to be skulking away from the public."

"I am not skulking." She protested heatedly. "I just need time to adjust."

"Then stop acting as though you've committed some heinous crime. We'll deal with it when the time comes."

"That's alright for you to say." She muttered.

He expelled an exasperated breath. "Paige, all we did was kiss not sleep together and even if we did, it wouldn't matter, besides it's not like we're cheating on anyone." He paused thoughtfully. "You are single aren't you? Or is that why you're making such a big deal of this, because you're in a relationship?" He arched questioning brow.

"No, I'm not in a relationship, and it would matter if... if we were to sleep together because I don't have loose morals like some people." She retorted stingingly.

He pulled up sharply outside a quiet little restaurant and turned in his seat to look at her, his chiselled features looked as though they had been carved out of granite. "Alright Miss Chadwick, your censorious remarks are beginning to really grate on me. You have been working for me for only six months, our paths have barely crossed, so that gives you no right to pass judgment on me, however, since we seem to be playing judge and jury even though you don't know me as well as you think you do, it is my turn to pass judgment. Within these hours of being confined to your company I have developed a few opinions of my own. You are nothing but a unyielding, humourless, stick in the mud."

"Have you quite finished?"

"No. You are a prissy ice maiden who seems petrified of allowing a man to get close. I have no idea if something's made you this way or whether you're just naturally a wet blanket and unlike you, I'm not going to make my mind up about you without getting my facts straight first."

His harsh words struck a raw nerve. Paige held back tears which had been repressed for years and forced her steely composure to stay in place. "Are you done now?" She demanded quietly, hoping that the slight crack in her voice had gone unnoticed. The women in her family were weak when it came to men. They allowed their heart to rule their head and in the process got hurt. She most certainly was not going to become another victim of love.

"Let yourself go Paige. Cut yourself some slack, do something impulsive, even crazy like I don't know, walk barefoot in the sand, spontaneously dance in the rain..." His eyes roamed over her. "Naked, preferably." He said suddenly giving her a wicked grin. "You're incredibly beautiful..."

"You've a one track mind Mr Deveraux." She cut in waspishly "I dislike the beach, sand gets everywhere and the rain just makes you feel cold and soggy." Giving a shiver of distaste she turned away from him.

Blake looked at her resignedly. "Why doesn't your words surprise me?" He murmured. "You're too young and attractive to be walking around looking like you're constantly chewing on a piece of lemon." He stated, snapping open his seat belt and getting out of the car. "Drop your armour and dare to enjoy life, Paige."

"That was quite a speech." She said impassively. "Have you ever considered going into politics?"

"The world isn't as bad as you seem to think it is. It's not out to get you." He said softly, ignoring her snide remark.

Inside the cosy little restaurant, Blake led her to a secluded table. "You should be comfortable here, no one takes any note of what anyone else is doing."

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