
Depuis le début

"So you helped Mycroft with Sherlock's accident?" I asked.

"Yes, he hoped that it would make Sherlock forget everything completely, like being born again" answered Andy Kews.

"Why?" Asked Sherlock.

"He didn't want you to be in a relationship with Moriarty" answered Andy.

"Why?" repeated Sherlock.

"Well because Moriarty is the world's most dangerous criminal and he didn't want you to end up like last time" answered Andy and I got curious.

"Oh, well he should know that he can't have control over my life anymore, I'm not just a child anymore" Sherlock said angrily.

"He knew you'd say that one day" replied Andy

"Well, thanks for the evidence you have supplied us now we'd better get going don't you think Sherlock?" Asked Lestrade.

"How much did he pay you?" Asked Sherlock completely ignoring Lestrade.

"One million pound" answered Andy.

"So you accepted it just like that?!" I asked angrily.

"I had to, I wasn't the original plan to make Sherlock get into an accident, Blake Jones was but he didn't agree with Mycroft and Mycroft had him executed and so I accepted because I can't die when I have people I need to look after" answered Andy.

"Now we can go" said Sherlock and he turned to leave.

"Bye" said Andy.

"Thanks for helping" said Lestrade and we both went to my car.

We went to Scotland Yard to drop Lestrade off and then Sherlock directed me towards his childhood home which was in a cottage. Sherlock walked up to the door and hesitated for a few seconds before knocking on the door. His mother opened the door and embraced him in a hug.

"Oh Sherlock what are you doing here?" Asked his mother.

"To tell you something about Mycroft" answered Sherlock.

"What is it?" Asked his mother concern quickly spreading across her eyes.

"He deliberately got me in a car crash to make me get amnesia" answered Sherlock.

"Sherlock, I know you still haven't forgiven him for putting down Redbeard but you need to stop making silly allegations that Mycroft is trying to harm you in any way; he's your brother and I'm sure he wouldn't do that" replied his mother.

"Let's go inside, I've got something that you need to hear" said Sherlock and his mother let him in but screamed when she saw me.

"How dare you show up at this house, you piece of lowlife!" she scolded and slapped me.

"Mum! Stop it he's changed" protested Sherlock.

"That's what you said last time" his mother accused.

"This time it's real, he saved me" said Sherlock.

"Fine but if I ever hear that you've done something to Sherlock again I will not hesitate to send you to the most secure prison in the world" his mother threatened me but let me in.

We went in the living room and we all sat down, Sherlock and I sat on the same sofa but his mother sat on a couch as there wasn't any more space on the sofa.

"Where's dad?" Asked Sherlock.

"I'm here" replied his dad and took a seat on the other couch, the couch was placed so that his father could see Sherlock but not me.

Sherlock took out the recorder and played it.

*Ten minutes later*

Both of Sherlock's parents had looks of shock on their faces.

"You didn't do anything technical to it did you?" Asked his father.

"No, I wouldn't lie to you" answered Sherlock truthfully.

"Do the police know?" Asked his mother.

"Lestrade knows" answered Sherlock.

"Is he going to prison?" Asked his mother.

"Only you two, Lestrade and Jim know" answered Sherlock.

"So why did you do this?" Asked his father.

"To show you that Mycroft is not the perfect son" answered Sherlock.

"Oh, we know that dear" said Sherlock's mother.

"Sure didn't seem like that" Sherlock muttered under his breath.

"What are you going to do now?" Asked his mother.

"We might tell the police but I'm sure they won't do anything since he is the government" I answered.

"Get out of my house" said Sherlock's dad angrily which took me slightly by surprise.

"What?!" I asked.

"I said get out of my house!" Sherlock's dad repeated raising his voice.

"Dad, stop it he's changed!" protested Sherlock.

"That might have worked on your mother but it won't work with me" his dad replied angrily.

"Dad, if you turn him away I'll walk out of this house with him" threatened Sherlock.

Sherlock's dad looked towards his wife and saw that she was on the verge of tears. I was confused because I didn't know why they hated me so much.

"Why Sherlock?" Asked his dad quietly.

"He's changed, he saved me and I love him" answered Sherlock.

"But that's what you said last time, we don't want you know what that did to your mother? It broke her heart Sherlock and I don't want you to go through that again" his father replied.

"It won't happen again" Sherlock said.

"Ok, well if Mycroft does go to jail just tell him that we're deeply disappointed in him but we understand his reasons" said his mother.

"We'll be going now" said Sherlock and we got up.

"Bye Mr and Mrs Holmes" I said.

They ignored me but said goodbye to Sherlock. Just before we left Sherlock's dad grabbed my arm whilst Sherlock was distracted by his mother.

"I swear, if you do anything to Sherlock I will do everything in my power to make sure you stay locked up for the rest of your life" his dad threatened.

"I won't do anything sir but I understand" I replied and then he let go of me.

Sherlock and I got in my Chevy Impala and I drove off to the police station.

"It's illegal to do what Mycroft did right?" Asked Sherlock.

"We're witnesses, you're going to go in there and tell them everything because I'm sure they don't want the world's most dangerous criminal to go in there and tell them the story" I said.

"Ok" said Sherlock and he got out of the car and went towards the police station.

*Fifteen minutes later*

Sherlock came out of the police station with an emotionless expression on his face and got into the car.

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