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??? Pov

Waves crash against the side of the boat as we rock side to side, sailing through this beast of a storm. It came out of no where, what the heck is going on. Water floods the deck and levels below, I'm surprised that we haven't submerged under the killer sea that is attacking us left, right and centre. Even though it seems like there is imminent danger ahead, I can't help but feel something deep down in my stomach. Something, that I've never felt before in my entire life. Why would I be feeling this feeling now? The waves feel like daggers as they crash onto the boat, sweeping away everything that it touches, but this feeling in my stomach rises to my chest, and it seems to be worse than what is happening to me right now. Could it be that this is the feeling of the mate bond? The feeling that everyone describes as one of the most powerful things in existence? They say that there is no mistaking the bond between you and your soul mate, that you know when you know and there isn't a doubt in your mind about it. I can't believe that it is happening now, of all times that it would or could happen.

"Father! Please, don't do this! I won't marry him, I refuse!" a voice silently shouted. The voice was soft yet aggressive. I feel as if the waves are talking to me.

"Darling, you have to, It will unite our kingdoms. Your mother would want this, it will stop the war. It will stop them from harming you again. Uniting the kingdoms is the best way forward, why cant you accept the past and leave it as it is. It's your duty!" a stronger male voice silently shouted. I feel as if I'm imagining this conversation because I'm staring death in the face.

"But father, you remember what happened last time. Why can't you let Atty do it! It's not fair, I have better chances of going to the human world and marring a land walker than him. I understand that its my duty but you don't have just one daughter you know! Why can't you leave me to my own devices and let me choose my own path" the soft voice silent shouted once again, the voices are like echo's in the wind, so faint its as if the conversation was never happening.

"Luna Triteia Poseidon, do not dare speak such nonsense" the male voice bellowed, a little louder than last time. Its almost as if he is a man of authority like a King, and this is one of his daughters he is marrying off for the better of their country. Like how it usually goes in fairy tails.

"FATHER!" Lightening began crashing down, the waves began to rock the ship and the sky got darker. More clouds are drawing in and the sea begins the become violent. The sheer force and power in that one word has completely turned the storm into hell. I don't think that I will be coming out of this alive.

"Don't you dare call me by my full name! You know all too well what happened to the last idiot who called me by my full name" the voice continued. Why am I hearing this conversation? Is this what happens before you die?

"Darling I'm sorry, but I forbid you to go there! You know what will happen. You'll kill people. I can not allow you to go wild up there again. If they discover you, you know the past is just going to haunt your present" the male voice began one again, the waves don't stop. They are like whips, fast and strong.

"But father! Mother wouldn't have wanted this! You know this so why must I do it! Why can't I go up there! Why... him... of all people" the soft voice shouted once again, but this time, it was laced with disgust.

"I am the king! You shall do as I say! You will not go up there Luna! You are the last of your kind! Yes, you're a mermaid but a gift like yours must be kept secret! It must be kept safe!" The sea becomes to become softer but still attacks anything that moves. So, it is just like in the movies.

"You are my father, daddy you know I won't marry him. I'm going up there. I'll take some guards? I'll take Delano with me" she persuaded, I could sense her hate towards this man that she names Delano. I can't tell if that conversation is real or not. But, I do know that this storm is very real.

The feeling in my chest slowly starts turning towards a pain that I can't explain, but I can sense something, I don't know exactly but it's almost like I'm being drawn to a powerful magnet and I escape the powerful force field that is this feeling. Ironic right, this ship could sink and any moment and I'm more concerned about this powerful luring feeling in my chest. Suddenly, I become worried. If I'm feeling this in my chest now, on a ship in the middle of a storm, then where are they? I franticly wobble around the ship trying to search the desks of the ship for any sign that my person might be aboard. Alas, I find nothing. not a trace. I can still feel the pull in my chest, so I know that they are okay, but I don't understand where they could be? Just as quickly as it came, the storm begins to calm down and settle, I have hope. I can finally search the ship without crashing and sliding around the floor like a penguin on ice. I search all the cabins, apologising to all the strangers that I am scaring half to death on my quest to find them. Again, I come up with nothing. They are no where to be found, the only other place they would be is drifting away at sea, but I'd feel their pain and their suffering.

I stumble over to the edge of the ship, and head towards the direction that I feel a pull from. The water has finally calmed down. and I find myself at the back of the ship. I think back on the events that just unfolded and realised that mermaids are real. They aren't just a legend, but what are the chances that my mate is the Princess of Mer-people? I will tell you, the odds are zero. I didn't think that sea people and land people could be soul mates. As a child growing up, I was told about a great Goddess, our previous Queen, she fell in love with the God of the Sea. Poseidon. As a God, he could transform into his human form but the problem wasn't him. It was our Previous Queen. She was the Queen of Vampires. Legend has it that she had a child before the great council found out and committed treason by removing her from the throne permanently. No one knows for sure what happened to the Queen, but she left behind an object only the true heir can use. This was thousands of years ago though, so if she did have a daughter or son, they would most likely be dead because vampires can not re-procreate unless you've found your soulmate and you've had that bond for a good couple hundred years.

"It's been hundreds of thousand years darling, they could still be after your crown up there. I know they preserved it because of your mother but don't harm yourself because of your past with him. Be the better person and finish your duty to me, your father". I faintly heard, so its true. The heir to the Vampire Empire is living in the sea. That must mean that she is definitely a vampire because what else could she be? I suddenly get the urge to jump into the sea to find out who they are, but I fight it. who in their right mind who go jumping head first into the cold depths below for something that might not even be true? I mean, no one has seen a mermaid in years, its said that they are extinct. Why of all people, would it be me that discovers where the mermaids have been hiding out, and why would a vampire be living with them? It seems that there's more to the legend than meets the eye.

I go to turn away, and go back to my cabin when I spot her. There she is, we locked eyes and it was like time had stopped. A rare diamond, such beauty. A siren, she is absolutely mesmerizing. The paleness of her skin reflects off the water, you can definitely tell that she isn't human. She resembles that of her mother and you can definitely see the authority and royalty in her posture. Her hair wraps around her shoulders like a snake. Her eyes glisten in the moonlight, such a mesmerizing such a beautiful deep blue mixed in with shades of deep purple, almost blending into the sea itself. I noticed she was looking around for something, but what would she be looking for? She looked at the ship I was on once more, we locked eyes. She looked up to the night sky and bobbed back down. I wasn't expecting her to have a tail, so I guess she isn't a vampire after all. Was she trying to find her way around by using the stars? What was she doing? I have to know.


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