Haven't you had enough

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Haven't you had enough?

I have to applaud you for holding on. Your knuckles are starch white yet you maintain your grip.

You scraped by just to find a way to breathe under the surrounding water. You managed to do the impossible and altered your way to move with the current.

You grew gills to match them in the middle of drowning. It seems I am the only one clapping for your accomplishment of mimicking them. Everybody else is too busy weaving the needle in and out of your thin skin.

They are sewing your gills shut and tying you to the ocean floor. Your options left are to frantically reach out and scream for mercy. The emotions that climb into you as their states crawl through your spine have silenced you.

Haven't you had enough?

Right over your shoulders they are muttering cruel curses for you to further wither in misery. It's funny right? Because even though they are putting a gun to your head a smile is engraved on their pretty faces.

I lied. It isn't funny.

You wouldn't be slowly dying if it was. Isn't it terrifying?

Haven't you had enough?

They unlatch their puckered lips to open mouths that spit pretty lies and loathing curses roll off the filthy tongues the moment your head turns.

Saliva drilling with sins while their mouth waters over your cowering figure. Their prey is stuck in a flowery trap and lured in with fictitious treats.

Does it feel nice to be pinned down by something the enemy half-assed rolled together? You're eating dirt and kissing where their feet have touched.

Why are you still standing still?

Knock them away. Flee to areas they made you think you weren't capable of going to. It's in your reach. It always has been. Cut off your ties to the ocean floor and burn those horrid memories with the flames that have sat on your dry tongue for too long. Set your frustration free because despite their attempts to make it so, you aren't a rag doll that they are allowed to play with when boredom is checking in on them. Stand up.

Haven't you had enough

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