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Hiei's POV

That stupid Kuwabara dared me to ask Y/N on a date so here I go waiting for her as soon as she turns the corner she's coming oh hi Hiei she said why is she so cute anyways Y/N do you want to go out on Friday . she just froze and replied sure Hiei you mean a date right I just nodded and she started walking home then turned around flashed a smile and said see you Friday Hiei.

*****************TIME SKIP TO FRIDAY************************************************************


Wow 2 minutes till Hiei picks me up then I heard the doorbell ring and got it by pushing Yousuke,Hiei,and Karama out of the way and grabbed hiei's hand and began to run before they could catch up when we stopped Hiei just kept looking at me and blinking then turned away when he noticed me staring,AHHHHH he's blushing.Let's just go he said I followed then he called me to slow an picked me up and carried me to the most amazing dinner date but I didn't show it and all he did was stare and blush why'll I just ate up a F***king storm. Then he dropped me off and at the same time the other three left caring Hiei along with them . You went upstairs changed into a black tank top and some black with red detail, then you realized Hiei that sly taco pulled a trick on you by saying how you were to slow by walking fast giving him the excuse to carry you but AW that makes him even cuter but you didn't say the last part out loud.

Yousuke X Reader X Karama X Hiei X KuabaraWhere stories live. Discover now