chapter 17- The great divide between classes, are not so great

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Cora was getting ready for dinner with the help of her maid, Beatrice. She was very nervous about meeting Robert's family, aspecially Violet. Her mother didn't help things with her eratic behaviour. Beatrice was putting the finishing touches to Cora's hair when she noticed Cora acting oddly. She stared at her reflection in the mirror and looked emotionless.

"Miss Levinson, are you alright?" Beatrice inquired. Her question brought Cora back to reality.

"What?" Cora turned to look at Beatrice. "Oh, i'm fine" Cora said unenthusiastically.

Beatrice tilted her head suspicously. She new Cora very well. She had been Cora's maid for the past 7 years. They had built up a good friendship over the years, which her mother highly dissaproved of. Martha often said "the upper class shouldn't associate themselves with the working class" This statement, Cora disagreed with. She remembered that first and foremost that employees were human beings. They to, also deserved respect.
Cora saw Beatrice as a friend. She was 10 years older than Cora, but new much more about the world. She new that the world was a big place and it was waiting to be explored.

"You know me so well" Cora paused and then stood up. "There's two ways this evening can go. I will either be a hit with the Crawley family, which I highly doubt. Robert has warned me countless times about how disapproving and fiery his mother is"

Beatrice looked intrigued. She wanted to know more. Cora gestured to Beatrice to sit, she did then Cora followed.

"What is the Countess of Grantham like?" Beatrice asked a daring question.

"Well Robert describes her as being ambitious, pushy, powerful and driven. The worst of it all is that she detests Americans".

Beatrice looked shocked. "It seems like you have a battle on your hands"

"It seems so. Well all I can say is bring it on. I'm up to the challenge"

Beatrice laughed "I knew you were going to say that. I wish you the best of luck"

"I'm going to very well need it" Cora got up and admired herself in the full length mirror. "How do I look?" Cora twirled around.

"You look beautiful Cora"

"Thank you Beatrice"

Just then Martha came crashing through the door. Beatrice immediantly stood up.

"Well what do you think Mama?"

"My, my, my Cora, you look simply stunning. Sir Robert wont be able to take his eyes off you" Cora smiled at her mother. "Well if you are ready, we can go. Your father is waiting in the lobby"

Cora picked up her bag and shawl. She gave Beatrice a smile and exited the room. Her mother followed shortly in pursuit and suddenly turned back to look at Beatrice.

"Night Evershore" Martha always called her employees by their last names. You would expect this from Martha, she was a rich snob.

Beatrice nodded slightly. Martha left and the Levinson's headed to Downton.

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