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His screams echoes throughout the city, followed by loud crashes; she had heard them. Without a second thought, she started running. Using her intellect to follow the direction of the noises erupting in the distance, she figured out the general location of where he was. All thoughts left her mind, except for one: reaching him as soon as she could. Her lungs burned from her rapid breathing. Her legs ached as they continued to push past their limits to keep her going. She ignored all the pain as best as she could and kept running. Only once was she interrupted. A wolf whistle broke her focus. It was enough to distract her to find the source of the sound. It was then that she saw a group of men. She also realized that she was in an alley with them. All of them were wearing something yellow. A smirk worked its way onto one's face; she assumed he was their leader.

"Hey girlie. Where you runnin' off to so fast?" He questioned her. "We have a party goin' on over here, and you're our V.I.P. tonight." The others snickered and encouraged him. Narrowing her eyes into a stare, she scoffed and attempted to brush them off.

"Tch. I don't have time for low-life shit stains like you, fuck-wits." She told them before starting to run again.

"What the hell did that bitch just say?" One growled.

"Hell no. No one gets off the hook after talkin' to us that way!" The leader stated. "After her!" He commanded. After hearing his words, they were all hot on her trail.

"Shit." She cursed under her breath. She picked up the pace and focused on her target. Maybe those weren't her best choice of words but she had the mouth of a sailor. She didn't take anyone's shit, no matter who they were. And they had pissed her off, wasting her time to get to him. But with her mouth, came much trouble. However, a certain someone always came to her rescue when she needed it the most. She heard the screams continue, at a much louder volume. She was close and she was well aware of it. Her desire of reaching him took over, making her sprint. The sprint was consuming most of her remaining energy. After the short burst of sprinting, a vending machine whizzed past her head. She saw him in the distance and smiled. Relief washing over her, she slowed down to a stop. She used that to regain her breath for a short time. The gang members she had forgotten about used her pause as an advantage and caught up to her quickly. Each of the four grabbed a different part of her body. A gasp of surprise left her lips as she felt the strange contact. She looked up to see her captors, all of them had disgusting grins staining their faces.

"You know," Their leader started. "It's not nice to talk to people like that. I'm afraid we're going to have to punish you for that." He looked to his friends and nodded his head as a signal. They started laughing, using their free hands that weren't holding her to start messing with her clothes. Her eyes went wide with fear, she know what they planned on doing to her. She struggles for a few moments as best as she could, but her energy was spent. She racked her brain for options, but she was in too much of a panic to think logically. She looked up to see him again, which gave her the only sane idea she could do. She screamed as loud as she was able to.

"Shizuo!" His name left her lips. It seemed to echo through the city, which at that moment seemed silent. Hearing his name, his head snapped over to where the cry came from. His eyes drank in the scene before him. She was there, on the ground, with four men each trying to have their way with her. One holding her arms behind her, two holding each of her legs, and one standing in front of her, kneeled down and holding her face roughly. The rage he felt before for a certain flea was long forgotten. A new murderous intent grew within him as he realized what was happening. Grabbing the nearest piece of metal to him, the four looked in his direction hearing the sound of him ripping it from the ground.

"Don't you touch her!" He warned them. Their faces that held grins now shifted to have expressions of fear. They froze in place as he stalked towards them. Growls left his mouth as he stopped in front of them. "Didn't you hear me?" He smirked, leaning towards the leader. The leader was unable to form coherent words to provide an answer from his quivering lips. Taking the opportunity, Shizuo continued to speak. "I said 'don't touch her'. I said that loud enough for the whole damn city to hear. So that means that you're disobeying instructions and deserve what I'm about to do to you assholes, right?" The ex-bartender questioned. She watched him with a smile on her face once again. Soon after the metal sign was raised above his head. The four released her and scrambled to try and get away. Unfortunately for them, they weren't fast enough. Metal collided with flesh and bone, creating a sick cracking noise mixed with screams as they were flung away from the two. Panting a bit, Shizuo placed the sign down, trying to regain his composure. His eyes landed on her, she held various spots that were abused by those men. She let out grunts of discomfort that were nearly silent. He calmed down enough and sat beside her. His golden eyes trailed her for a moment as she rubbed one of the wrists that they held. He took out a cigarette and lit it. He looked up to the sky, trying to avoid awkward conversation with her. The sky had begun to darken over them. A few moments of silence between them past before he broke it.

"Are you okay?" Shizuo asked her. She looked up at him. He seemed more tense than usual. A soft smile graced her face that he could witness from the corner of his eye. She leaned against him, her head resting against his upper arm.

"I'm fine, Shizuo." She told him. "You always seem to come to my rescue when I try to come to yours." He didn't know if it was the way she said his name, or how much she did to show how much she cared for the blonde, or both; but he smiled.

"I'm one of the most feared men in Ikebukuro, I don't think I need rescuing." He told her.

"I know, but I want to anyway since you always do it to me." His face flushed. He rested his head on his hand and allowed his other arm to extend around her shoulders and pull her closer to him. A small giggle left her. And the two stayed contently like that for a while; simply listening to the sounds of the bustling city.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Sep 19, 2015 ⏰

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