The Bright Side: Chapter 2

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The next morning, which was technically not because I didn't sleep, was terrible because I couldn't stay awake at school I kept daydreaming in math class and fell asleep in history. I got a detention for sleeping in class *I wish they would just understand me, but then again I understand that the teachers have jobs and they have to stick to the rules*. Later that day when I was in the school cafeteria I sat by my friends Samantha, Drake and Caroline.

We talked about all the new things going on around our neighborhoods I had nothing new to share like always, but Caroline always had something to say about the new clothes she got, Samantha talked about the new car her parents were talking about getting her and Drake like always talked about how he admired me. I couldn't help, but to blush when he did, you see we have been dating for three years now I loved him and we both promised to never leave, but it was all about to change........


Sorry bout the super short chapter, but suspense is good for you XP

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