Ends and Beginings

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A/N: Warning! Major Feels at the start!

Minato's P.O.V

I don't want this, I never did.... She'll never understand! But I can't protect her forever, I'd like to though. A warm breeze flew over me. I took a deep breathe, and sat on the bench. This roof top holds so many wonderful memories for me. This is were Mitsuru confessed her love for me and we began dating. And so much more... Why do I have to go so soon? Why can't I get the life I wanted? All I want is stay with everyone, to go on to marry Mitsuru but mainly I want to stay to watch my little sister become a loving wife and a caring mother... to see her smile.

I heard a click and the door opened, "Minato, there you are!" said brown haired girl. My sweet twin sister, Minako. "Hey...", I didn't want to talk to her because every word will soon turn in to pain. She sat beside me, please no. I rested my head on her lap, "Minako, I did this all for you... Promise me you'll live your life to the fullest and make your life a happy one okay!" I smiled stroking her cheek. "M-minato what are you saying?" she was holding back her tears. "Just promise me okay!" I can't do this. "Yes I promise Minato!" she was crying now. I felt my eye lids growing heavier. "N-no Minato you can't go!" she was practically screaming. "I'm sorry Minako.... please tell Mitsuru that I love her but most of all remember that I love y-o-u...". That last thing I felt was a tear touch my hand. I'm sorry...

End of Minato P.O.V

"Please big brother, don't go! You can't leave me! It's not fair, I need you, Mitsuru needs you! Please big brother you can't go... please Minato..." Minako cried.

*click click*

The door opened revealing the rest of S.E.E.S, there was gasp as the all came in to the centre of the roof. "M-minato, no Minato! Please no, this can't be!" Mitsuru cried as tears cascaded down her cheeks as she kneeled by the bench. Mitsuru took a hold of one of his hands. Pretty much the whole of S.E.E.S were crying. "M-mitsuru, Minato wanted me to tell you that he loves you" Minako stuttered.

- 7 years later -

Mitsuru's P.O.V

I still have an empty space in my heart... a place that Minato used to fill. But my life goes on. I sit in my lounge, it's quite without Minako. She's never stopped smiling and filling our live joy, bless her soul. I wish I could smile like her but I cannot. Though I suppose Minako has felt just as much pain as I have but at least she has the guy that she loves with her.

But I can help but blame her for Minato's passing. I don't know why though. Damn, there I go over thinking stuff again.

End of Mitsuru's P.O.V

Mitsuru picked up her phone. *ding ding ding*. "Hello?" said a low voice. "Hi Akihiko, wanna talk" Mitsuru said sounding a little desperate. "Sure, why not". "Okay, so how are you?" she asked. "I'm fine, wait, sorry Mitsuru someone has come in. Gotta go!" Akihiko hung up.

-Meanwhile at Akihiko's place of work-

Akihiko's P.O.V

"Hello can I help you?" I asked the guy who had just entered. I got no reply, rude much! "Hey what do you want?" I raised my voice. The guy turned to face me, he was wearing a hoody. His hood was up and it hid his face. "Don't be so loud Akihiko, coming back to life gave my a bad enough headache and your not helping". What the hell? Is that... no it can't be! "M-minato is that you?" I asked, god I sound so stupid. "What gave it way away!" he took his hood down revealing his face, yep that's Minato! "Minato,Your back!". Mitsuru is going to be so happy!

End of Akihiko's P.O.V

A/N: Just leaving this here and the next chapter will explain Minato coming back to life!

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