Average me when waking up

46 4 6

Welp here's me every day when I wake up, if you can't read it, I'll type it down...

Panel 1: *Fury sleeping*

Panel 2: *Mom/Sister/Dad walks in* Fury get up!!

Panel 3: *Fury groans* I don't wanna!!

Panel 4: *they turn on the lights*

Panel 5: *Fury hisses and tanks covers over her*

Panel 6: *they yank the covers off my bed*

Panel 7: *Fury hisses* NO!!

And then it just leads off to where they give up, or I do, or they start wacking me with my pillows until I wake up (usually my sister), or I attacking them, then we have a pillow fight, and if they one, I have to get up, and if I won, I'm already awake and can't go back to sleep ;~;

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