Lovi x Reader childhood friends

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Warning: cussing Kuaz he's Loviano and There's no lemon sadly 😢😂

Y/n : your name
H/c : hair color
H/l : hair length
E/c : eye color
Bff: best friend name
F/c : favorite color

Brought to you by an army of Spain's turtles ~ 🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

It was the first day of kindergarten. Your mom had bought you a (f/c) dress, light blue backpack ; that had a printed picture of your favorite Disney movie _______ with a matching lunch box, and new (f/c) flats to go along with your dress. You walked hand in hand with your mom to the cafeteria to eat breakfast from the school cafeteria. You quickly made friends with the girl sitting next to you. Your best friend (bff name).After you ate breakfast it was time to head to class.
Reader: " Mom, do I have to go?" You asked clutching your mom's hand tighter and tighter.
Reader's mom : " Yes (y/n) , we talked about this last night. Remember your gonna be a big girl, make new friends, and have fun. She knelt down to meet your eye level.
Reader: " I don't want to anymore!" You shouted tears forming at the corners of your (e/c) eyes. While you hugged your mom with no intentions of letting go.
Reader's mom : " Come on sweetie, remember your mommy's big girl now." She asked you trying to calm you down.But this only made you fuss more.
Reader: "Mommy, I-I don't want , to , go. " you said while crying.
What you didn't notice was a Spaniard man was starting at your mom and you from afar. 'She seems to need help pobre chica ( poor , lady) she can't possibly be as bad as Lovi ; but he's so adorable I could never stay mad at him forever even if he is lazy, short tempered, rude, and cusses like there is no tomorrow.'
Lovi: "hey tomato bastard, why don't you go and help her, stupido !"
Toni: " L-Lovi , what did I tell you about bad words!!!"
Lovi; " Hey, I told you to never call me that!!!!!"
Toni: " Do you know where your classroom is ?"
Lovi: " Of course I do I'm not stupid." He said walking off into the wrong direction. Face palming Toni took a hold of Lovi's hand and headed towards the crying girl and her mother with a fuming Italian following behind.
Toni: " Umm, excuse me .... Chica can I help you." (Y/n)'s Mother looked up confused.
Reader's mom: " yes, sorry she's just really scared hahahah " your mom said nervously thinking what to do. Toni thought for a moment. He then noticed the random turtle on his head; that gave him an idea. He reached up to grab his little solider 🐢.
Toni: " Look Chica, he likes you!" Toni put the turtle in front of you.
Reader:" what is that ? It looks really cute!! Umm, can I hold it" you asked
Toni: Si!!! Here you go and he's a real nice turtle!!!!" He exclaimed with happiness enough to spear for the next person.
Reader: " What's his name?" You questioned. Toni thought for a moment.He came up quickly with his little tomato's name Lovi.
Toni: " His name is Lovi~!!!"
Lovi: " WHAT THE ---!!!!!" Lovi yelled . Toni covered Lovi's mouth before any fowl language could come out.
Toni: "Oh yeah, this is also your new friend Lovi." Toni shoved little Lovi in front of you.
Reader: "H-Hello, Lovi!" You said. You noticed blush forming at Lovi's cheeks.
Lovi: " HEYHE-Hello!!!! Um, what's your name idoita." He halfway yelled at you.
Reader: " My name is (y/n) and this is Lovi!!!!!" You said with a spark in your eyes. You have gotten attached to the turtle.
Lovi: " No, I'm Lovi!" He yelled!
Reader: " NO, HE'S LOVI!!!!!" You yelled ten times louder which surprised your mom, Toni, even the hot headed boy.
Toni: " Wow, someone is louder than you Loviano!!!! Well now I think we all might be late for your first day of school. I'm gonna stay with Loviano so" He looked at your mom " Want me to keep an eye on
(y/n) I have to take care of my little tomato as well hahaha!!!!!!! He said laughing.
Reader's mom: " Are you sure you can do that!!!!"
Toni: " Si, Of course Chica !!"
Reader's mom: "Thank you, you're a life saver I'm gonna be late for work!"
Toni: " Si you better hurry!" Your mom gave you one last hug and said she loved you. Hesitating you hugged back saying you love her too still a bit scared to go to the classroom.
Toni: " (y/n) do you want to take care of Lovi? "
Lovi: " Which one stupido?" He asked with a huff feeling a little jealous that you liked the turtle more than him.

-------Lovi's point of view ----------

Stupid ragazza. What's so great about a damn turtle anyway. I'm so much better than that turtle. GAHHHH why am I so fucking angry!!!! She's staring at the turtle than up at me. Smiling she said " I'll take care of both!" I blushed 'why am I feeling like this , I'm so happy but my -my chest feels tight.'

End of Lovi's point of veiw !!!!!!

Toni holding back his laughter from seeing loviano's expression continued and said " That's great!!! Well let's start heading to class okay!!!" You walked over to Lovi and grabbed his hand. Earning you a yelp from him but he didn't stop you. You weren't sure if you could see him smile because he lead the way in front of you.Trying to hide the blush on his face.You got so attached to both Lovis you hardly let go of Loviano's hand. He didn't mind really. You were with him all the time. You became really close to him. He never cussed at you directly. He still had his potty mouth though. You both agreed to take turns and do what the other person wants to do. The first day you both came early to school to swing on the swings before school started.
Reader: " Wow, look at the sunrise"
Lovi: " It's okay." He said as you both kicked off to gain height. The day after the swings was Loviano's turn to pick. We played tag with Kiku (Japan), Ludwig ( Germany), and Feliciano ( North Italy ) but he insisted you call him Feli. You never were seen apart in third grade you cried and refused to go to school if Lovi wasn't going to be in your class. Spain talked to you and said you can come over whenever you want he brought to his and Loviano's home. You visited everyday. Loviano taught you a lot about his beloved tomatoes.He never complained or pushed you away. You developed special feelings for the hot headed tomato lover. You never knew if he liked you. Your in 12th grade a senior.(bffname) took you to a party all the seniors had gone to for the last of school. You decided to try drinking for the first time since you have always been curious about it. You drank a few shots of vodka. One too many for you. You began to feel dizzy. It wasn't helping you had high heels on so you abandoned your shoes in the middle of the living room. You started to head for the door before an arm grabbed you. You turned your head to meet a popular boy from class named Ravi.
Ravi: " heyyy , babe you want to have a great time with meee!!!" He slurred
Reader: " I ah no , I'm leaving I don't feel great." You said stumbling. Ravi then grabbed you wrapping an arm around your waist nearing to touch your but.
Ravi: " come on babe, you'll feel so much better after I'm done with you!" He said leaning in for a kiss. You were suddenly yanked from the grasp of Ravi into a toned chest that smelt of tomatoes. You smiled looking up knowing who it was.
Lovi: " (y/n) IDIOTA!!!!! WHY ARE YOU FUCKING DRINKING!!! YOU NEVER DRANK BEFORE AND YOU, he gave a death glare to Ravi" YOUR DRUBK GO HOME !!!!" He yelled erring ready to beat the living shit out of him. But then you lost your balance and slumped to the ground. Sighing he placed you on him back for a piggy back ride and started to walk you to him home with Toni. The alcohol had finally completely gone to your head.
Lovi: " Idoita can't even remember five minutes ago huh."
Reader: " LOVIIIII I HAVE A HUGE SECRET EVEN YOU DON'T KNOW !!!" Lovi stopped in his tracks. ' A secret I don't know , what is it!!???'
Lovi: " Are you gonna tell me ?"
Reader: " OKAY BUT PROMISE ME YOU WONT TELL LOVI!!" You could practically see Loviano face palming mentally.
Lovi: " Okay, I promise."
Reader: " I LOVE LOVI!!!!" I yelled. Lovi nearly dropped me. He was so stunned the girl he loves actually loves him back!!! He smirked.
Lovi: "  Can you repeat that I couldn't hear you ."
Reader: " I .... LOVE ..... LOVI!!!!" I yelled. Loviano smirked he was enjoying this a lot.The day after Lovi waited for me to sober up and confessed. (Y/n) was confused but hugged him tightly and said yes , yes , yes over and over again. D

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2015 ⏰

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