Inazuma Eleven Memes 2!

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Pick 12 inazuma Eleven/GO Charas.

1. Hiroto

2. Kazemaru

3. Gazelle/Suzuno

4. Aphrodi

5. Burn/Nagumo

6. Gouenji

7. Endou

8. Tsurugi

9. Kidou

10. Sakuma

11. Genda

12. Tenma

3 is singing a song.

Me: Burn! Gazelle is singing a song for you!

Gazelle: ...

9 is sulking.

Me: Kidou why?

Kidou: Fudou isn't here!

Fudou: I am!

Kidou: Fudou!

Me: No you go with Sakuma!

Sakuma: Go Ref-san!

10 feels warm today and decides to take off his clothes.

Me: ∑(゚Д゚)

Sakuma: what? It's hot today

12 nosebleeds.

Me: Tenma...

Tenma: I thought he was a girl!

Sakuma: What?! *dark aura*

Tenma: Ehe gomen?

2 is joining 10.

Kazemaru: *takes shirt off* phew it's hot today

5 nosebleeds too.

Me: Burn! *hits him* no! You should only look at Gazelle!

Burn: oh wasn't that a girl?

Kazemaru: Hey! *chases Burn*

1 is swinging on vines.

Me: Hiroto it's dangero-

Hiroto: *slips* ahhhhhh!

Me: I tried to tell you...

8 wants to leave this craziness.

Me: Tsurugi you're crazy?

Tsurugi: No! That was a stupid question

but 7 stops him/her.

Tsurugi: Coach?

and kisses him/her.

Me: Σ(゚д゚lll)

Tsurugi: *blushes*

Kazemaru: Endou... *dark aura*

Endou: what? *looks at Kazemaru* It's not what it seems!

Kazemaru: oh really? *chases*

Endou: ahhhh! I'm sorry!

4, 6 and 11 are missing all this.

Me: *calls them* hey you're missing out on a lot!

between 2 and 7, who is more weirder?

Me: um... *looks at Endou then Kazemaru*

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