After guest leave

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Nessie pov
The guest just left but the pack stayed. I was talking with them until they went home. I went back to my home. tomorrow I was going to la push with jake.

In the morning I went to jakes house. he said "hey Nessie!" I said "hi jake!" we walked to the la push beach. when we got there the pack was there. Leah ran up to me and said "hey Nessie." I said "hi Leah. I missed you already." Leah said "me too." Emily ran over to me and said "it's been too long Nessie." I said "i missed you too Emily." Sam said "Nessie can you come over to Emily's with jake after?" I said "sure." we talked then Paul yelled "everyone is going to get wet now! hop in the water or get thrown!" me and the girls hopped in the water and we watched the boys get thrown in. we laughed.

After the beach we went to Emily's. Emily said "so we missed you so much ness." I smiled and said "I missed you too."

After breaking dawnजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें