The Turk Chronicles: II Unexpected Driver

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Keira smiled at her reflection in the mirror, checking herself over one last time before concluding she had the right outfit this time. Yep this is the one! She thought as she fist pumped the air. She'd spent roughly two and a half hours deciding on her outfit for Tifa's party tonight; the result was a now empty wardrobe and a very messy bed, clothes thrown left right and center. In the end she chose a cute black dress, fitted around the chest and flared out around the waist, stopping a bit above the knees. Perching on the end of her bed she pulled on some below the knee black lace socks and finished with her black boots. There's no way I'm wearing heels at one of Tifa's parties. She smirked as she remembered the last party of Tifa's when she'd wore 6 inch heels and ended up plastered on the pavement outside, Rude had ended up taking her home!

A gurgle sounded as Keira's stomach grumbled loudly, interrupting her thoughts, cringing she realised she hadn't eaten since lunch at work that day, and it was now 7.30pm. Damn, maybe I should try and eat something quick? Racing downstairs into the kitchen she ran to the cupboard and yanked it open. Peering inside and raising a brow she realised she hadn't been food shopping yet that week, nothing but a half empty packet of pasta and some out of date raisins sat before her. She closed the door, and knelt down to the cupboards beneath the black granite counters. Opening the doors she smiled at her prized storage of junk food. Ah, always here when I need you! She stared at the mass of unhealthy food before picking up a bag of sweets, tapping the doors closed with her boot and sitting on the breakfast bar stool next to her. Tearing the top off the packet she pulled out a handful of jelly sweets and stuffed them into her mouth. Sweet fruit juices filled inside her cheeks as she swung her legs under the stool, quite content. 

Keira was half way through the bag when the doorbell rang. She smiled as she turned her head to the front door. She checked the clock on the wall, 7.43pm. I bet its Rude! He always came to pick her up for the parties, living a few blocks down from her place. Sweets still in hand she jumped down from the stool and clomped to the front door. Surprisingly when she opened the door it was not the giant that was Rude but the red head that was Reno standing on her porch. He was dressed in a platinum tux, a smart fitted black jacket with matching dress pants, and a light blue dress shirt which was unbuttoned at the neck and not tucked in. 

"Reno! What are you doing here?" she asked the Turk, her face a blank with confusion. Reno lived at least an hour and a half from Keira's house, so he'd definitely come out of his way to be here. 

"Blame Tseng. He's not coming tonight leaving Elena with no lift; Rude's had to pick her up so he called me to get you, yo" he explained as his aquamarine eyes stole a glance at Keira's outfit for the evening. 

"But hang on, you live closer to Elena, wouldn't it have made sense for you to pick her up?" she questioned him, still confused by the situation and completely oblivious to Reno's line of sight.

"I haven't been home since last week, been crashin' at Rude's cuz' of these damn missions I've had" he shrugged. 

"Oh I get it! Man that sucks" Keira frowned, making a mental note to scold Tseng for missing yet another social event. 

"Are you ready to go?" the red head asked as he gestured to the car outside.

"Yeah sure one sec!" she ran into the kitchen and grabbed her purse from the counter and threw on her sleeveless jacket. Reappearing at the front door she turned off the lights, and locked the door. 

"Let's go!" she smiled up to Reno as he led her to his car.

They were about 10 minutes into the half hour drive to 7th Heaven from Keira's place when Reno asked her; "So what's with the boots yo?"

Keira had been daydreaming but managed to catch the end of the sentence. "Oh! Haha, don't you remember what happened at Tifa's last party when I wore heels?" she giggled, tapping her boots together.

Reno smirked; yeah he remembered alright, he hadn't seen it himself but Rude had told him afterward how he'd found Keira at the bottom of a staircase near Tifa's. She'd fallen down nearly 3 flights of stairs but was barely scratched, she just slept it off.

"You're kinda clumsy aren't cha?" Reno smiled as he glanced at the smallest Turk.

"I have my moments" she sighed happily.

"Well, boots or not you look beautiful tonight" he winked at her, Keira looked momentarily surprised as the blood rose to her cheeks, causing them to turn the warmest pink. She felt the tingling she got whenever Reno complimented her.

"Thanks Reno!" she said as she ruffled the back of her hair (something she did when she was nervous). 

"You're not so bad yourself y'know!" she joked, returning the wink.

"Not so bad?" he questioned, pretending to sound hurt.

"Well, you need to button up your shirt, tuck it in and get a tie!" she laughed.

"Dayum! I tried so hard to look my best!" he whined, faking a sniffle.

"Hey I'm only kidding Reno! It adds to the charm, you look gorgeous!" she smiled, playfully punching his arm. 

"Thanks K" he laughed, finally turning into the car park at 7th Heaven. 

"Here we are yo" he said, turning off the engine.

"Aw yeah!" Keira exclaimed as she jumped out the vehicle. 

Reno joined her at the rear of the car after locking it.

"Shall we?" he asked as he offered her his arm, she smiled up at him, accepting his offer as they walked to the entrance of the bar.

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