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  Author's note: This was originally supposed to be a one-shot, but I decided to keep it open and see what feedback I got. So I'd like to hear what you guys want to see happen in this story. The steamy part will be in the next chapter which will be published very shortly after this. Enjoy!

It had been one month since that night, but I hadn't noticed any particular change in Levi towards myself. The first few days after whenever I would see him, I would blush and a smile would form on my lips, but he would remain expressionless. After the second week I realized that I probably was not the first woman he had claimed. I waited for him to call out to me again, but then I realized. He had probably taken plenty of women in the same way. To him I was just another woman, and those words of love he had whispered had only been vanishing vapors.

I felt the pain of his deceit, but I knew it was my own fault for letting his words into my head. I had given him my body, but at least I had not given him my heart.

I decided to stop dwelling on what was past and focus on what I had ahead of me that day.

Today all the Regiments were required to send in their elite squads for a joint drill inside Wall Sina. That included me and the rest of Squad Levi.

We rode to the interior and finished our drill around noontime. I chatted with Petra about how well the drill had gone as we all walked down the long corridor, Levi at the front. We had some time to kill before we were to head back, and we decided that we were going to wander around the city for a while when a man yelled my name.

"[Y/N]!" I turned around to see an old childhood friend, wearing the attire of the military police. I recognized his soft brown eyes.

"Emil?" You asked as he approached you and swiftly embraced you. I saw Levi stop walking, as did the rest of the group. He was a lot larger than when I had last seen him- he had become a fine looking man now.

"[Y/N]! How are you? I see you're looking well," he stated as he looked me up and down, and smiled, "very well if I may say."

I blushed slightly, but smiled back at him, "Thank you, you also look well. Oh, Emil, this is my squad from the Scout Regiment." I introduced him to the group, "we grew up in the same village."

"Oh that's so nice!" Petra exclaimed.

"Well it seems like you're busy, I should let you go..." Emil began.

"Oh no!" Petra interrupted, "[Y/N], if you wanted to stay back to catch up with him I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem. We can just meet back here later, right Levi?" She turned to look at him, but he was gone. "Oh well. I guess he's not coming either."

"Well, alright. You all have a good time in the city!" I said as they continued off.

"You seem to have a great squad, [Y/N]." Emil commented, "I saw the drill. You were all amazing!"

"Thank you," I replied as we began to walk slowly through the corridor, not really having a destination in mind, "It's really good to see you. How have you been?"

"I've been alright. It does get lonely here sometimes though. My mother passed away recently" He said, his normally cheerful face suddenly serious and sullen, reminding me slightly of Levi...

What? Why am I thinking about Levi now? I quickly brushed away thoughts of him, " I'm so sorry, Emil. Thats horrible."

He pinched his nose trying to regain control of his emotions.

"Do any of our old friends know?" I asked. I remembered Emil's mother. She was very sweet and caring, and I knew how close Emil and his mother were. I knew he would write her often while they were training, before they chose their separate paths.

"No. You're the first one I've told from back then."

"I'm so sorry, Emil." I reached out my hand to hold his and comfort him, but as I did, he pulled me into his arms and held me tightly against his chest. I hugged him back to comfort him, but his hands moved down and he held my waist tight to his and I felt his warm breath against my neck.

I looked around realized that I had no idea where we were, and we were alone. "Um... Emil..." I said, as I tried to pull away from him as I began to feel increasingly uncomfortable about the situation, "I probably should get goin---"

My words were cut off when he suddenly pressed his lips against mine.

I was stunned that he had kissed me, but I also felt sadness for him. He just lost his mother and he's looking for comfort is all. I told myself.

"Please stay, [Y/N]." He pleaded.

"Emil, you're still grieving, this isn't a good--"

He then forcefully placed a hand on my torso and slammed me against the cold, hard stone wall, "I said, 'Stay!'"

"Emil, I--" He cut me off again as his lips pressed to mine again, this time more forcefully, and his hands began to explore my body. I tried to push him away, but he was much too strong. Instead he pressed his hips urgently to mine, replacing his lips with his hand to cover my mouth....

No... I don't want this. I thought, as his other hand began to tear at the buttons of my shirt. I tried to scream, but my voice was muffled by his strong grip on my mouth.

Fear began to take over me. I couldn't fight back. I couldn't escape. I couldn't even call for help. I felt useless all over again. Just like when my brother and sister died. Then only one thought filled my mind.


Just as I relinquished all hope, the pressure of Emil's body vanished, and I heard a slight crunch and the sound of an unconscious body hitting the floor. I felt my knees buckle under me. I braced myself to hit the ground, but instead I was caught and I looked up to see Levi staring down at me. His face seemed more angry than usual, but it also had an expression of concern as he looked at me.

I looked down at myself and realized that I was a mess. My hair had been tangled and my shirt had been unbuttoned. I quickly covered myself and averted my gaze from his piercing eyes.

He let go of me and we both stood and I straightened out my clothes before he grabbed my wrist and led me through several hallways and finally into a bedroom.

I looked at him, but anger clouded his expression. His body was rigid, and his hands were clenched into fists.

"Levi?" I asked, even though I was afraid of what he might do.

He strode toward me, anger still prevalent in his face. I took a step back, but I was already at the wall.

"What did you think you were doing?!" He raised his voice at me, "Did I not tell you to never let any other man do that to you?!"

Wait, what was he saying?

"But... I didn't think you were serious..." What am I saying? Am I defending Emil's actions?

"Didn't. Think. I was Serious?!" He swore and hit the wall behind me, causing me to flinch.

"It's been a month, Levi..." I whispered.

"Tch..." He expressed his irritation and he began to loosen his shirt, "Then I guess its time to remind you who you belong to." 

No Regrets (explicit) [Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now