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Ordinary Day by Vanessa Carlton

I couldn't help but feel as if someone was watching me as Charlie walked me to my house. Goosebumps were traveling my skin, while little shivers, chilling my body. But that feeling went away as soon as Charlies had grabbed mine, sending warmth throughout my entire body.

I still couldn't believe that I was going to his party. I was excited but I was scared also. No one liked me much on this island. They all thought my mom was crazy with all her stories she told to the little children on the island. Making them believe that I was crazy to because I was her daughter.

Her most famous story was the girl disguised as man, pretending to be a pirate. All the children loved that one. But my favorite was about the sirens. She told me that these women were beautiful but deadly. That one song could seduce an entire ship of men, bringing them to their deaths. Not once has a man survived a siren attack.

She would tell story after story, until one day the children stopped coming to hear them. Their family forbidding them to come see my mother. It broke her heart.

They also didn't like the fact that see has a child but no husband. Having children out of wedlock is looked down upon on the island. But I don't see why they would hate me for it. I didn't even know who my father was.

Even though the people on the island pretty much ignored me, Charlie stayed by my side, being the only friend I had.

We were right in front of my house when I realized that Charlie was talking to me.

"I'm sorry Charlie, what were you saying," I asked looking up at him. Shaking his head while smiling, he said, "What I was saying, was that you need to go get that dress on and get ready. I'll be back in two hours to pick you up. Oh and that I have another surprise for you later tonight."

"You know I hate surprises Charlie," I yelled while he was waking away from me. He winked at me and just said, "I know."

Rolling my eyes, I open the door and walked inside my house. The box was sitting on the kitchen table, wrapped in a big red bow. I walked over to it and picked up the little card with my name written on it.

To Emmaline, it said. I opened the card and my breathe caught.

This dress was meant for you,

Love, Charlie.

I couldn't look away. There's no way that Charlie could love me. I don't love him. Well I like him...a lot. Who wouldn't though? His eyes sparkled like the ocean, drawing everything in. His cheek bones defining his face, beautiful yet manly looking. His body firm and strong. Perfect brown hair that you would want to run your fingers through. Maybe I do love Charlie, I thought. He has been the only guy to notice me. Always bringing me flowers and doing whatever he could to make me feel like someone was there for me. I shook the thought out of my head. The note just meant he loved me as a friend. We are just friends.

I placed the note to the side and removed the bow, opening the box. Once again, I have no control over my eyes. They are just glued to the dress inside. I lifted it out of the box, holding it in front of me. The color looked just like the ocean at night. A deep beautiful blue. Little diamonds sparkled all over the dress, bring it to life.

"Beautiful", I whispered.

Racing to my room, dress in hand, I quickly took my cloths off, replacing it with the dress. Within the two hours I had to get dress, I put on a little black eye liner, black mascara, blue eye shadow, some pink blush to make my face have color because I was so pale and lip gloss. When I was finished, I looked at myself in a mirror, wishing my mother could see me.

I look like an Ocean Goddess, I thought.

I never owned such a beautiful dress. It was sleeve less, baring my arms for all to see. The top half was tight and fit perfectly around my body, making my breast seem larger. The lower half puffed out, letting me twirl around until I got dizzy. I never thought I could look so beautiful.

It was seven o clock, and Charlie should be here any minute. I looked at myself a little longer than fled to the front room, waiting for Charlie. I must of fell asleep because the knocking on my door, startled me awake. I smoothed out my dress and tryed to see if I messed up any of my make up. Once I was satisfied with how I looked, I opened the door.

Charlie was looking down, trying to put something in his pocket as he said, "I'm so sorry I'm late Emma. I had to go get something..."

When he looked up, my heart skipped a beat. He looked as if he was stunned, shocked at what he saw.

"Emma....Your beautiful. You look absolutely beautiful." His eyes were lingering on my body, traveling it with a hungry look.

"Thanks Charlie. You clean up pretty well too. Is that a bow tie?" I laughed stepping froward and closing the door. It had gotten really cold since this morning, I thought as I shivered. Charlie must of noticed because he took of his black coat and hung it around my shoulders.

"Of course its a bow tie. Don't you like these better than regular ties?" I looked up at him, taking him all in. He looked perfect, with his white blouse tucked into his black dress pants. His blue bow tie matching my dress. His brown hair right above his eyes looked wet as if he just got out the shower.

"Bow ties, delicious," I said, laughing.

"Come on, we have to get going. I can't be late for my own party, can I? Oh wait, I got one of your surprises right now," he said reaching into his coat pocket that I was wearing. He pulled out a little box, handing it to me.

"Why are you giving me so many gifts today?"

"You'll know why later. Now open it."

As I opened the box, Charlie was hovering over me, watching my every move.

"Give me some room," I said pushing him away.

I lifted the top of the box all the way open and before I could say anything, Charlie asked," Do you like it?"

"Its beautiful, Charlie," I said studying the necklace. The pendant was a round shape, jutting out on the edges. Its color was a little bit darker than my blue dress. It looked like I could see the bottom of the ocean in it.

"It was my great grandmothers. She said it gave it to me before she passed away. She said it held all the oceans secrets. And once I saw it, it reminded me of you."

Charlie took the necklace out of my hands and walked behind placing the necklace around my neck. I lifted my hair up as he fasten the lock, securing it on my neck. I placed my fingers on it, cherishing it.

"I don't know what to say, Charlie," I said looking into his blue eyes.

"You don't have to say anything, Emma. Just take my hand."

He held his hand out to me and I took it as we walked to the party.

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