Chapter 3

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Harry's p.o.v : I slammed the door and ran out, I didn't know where I was going and didn't care, I love tori and Niall knew I did.

Liam's p.o.v : poor Harry , he must've loved tori I thought .

I'm going to talk to Harry zayn said , he seemed really upset.

No dw I will , you guys go do the twitch cam,

Bye guys , bye they chorused back.

Harry's p.o.v : I wasn't looking and ran across the road I heard loud noise , it sounded like a gun shot , suddenly everything went black .

Tori's p.o.v : I was watching the news when a photo of Harry covered in blood was on the tv,

I yelled up to Niall " NIALL COME DOWN STAIRS QUICKLY " he immediately ran down the stairs and saw the photo , I saw guiltiness in his eyes , did he do something I thought ???

Niall's p.o.v : it's all my fault I told them I was staying there Harry heard and left because of me , I got to go to the hospital now !! , TORI GET IN THE CAR WE ARE GOING TO THE HOSPITAL NOW !!!! " Ok let's go" she said .


A/N sorry it's soo short but I stayed up til 1:17 in the morning gtgto bed now sorry :(

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